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Mis' Winslow flushed dully. "I ain't baked anything much in weeks before," she answered ambiguously, and hurried from the subject. "The little fellow's coming in on the Local, is he?" she said. "You ain't heard anything different?" "Nothing different," Mary replied. "Yes, of course he's coming. They left there Saturday, or I'd have heard.

And all these arguments are to be fortified by instances. There is, also, another method of disparaging witnesses, and examinations under torture; for often those answers which have been given may be attacked very cleverly, if they have been expressed rather ambiguously or inconsistently, or with any incredible circumstances; or in different ways by different witnesses.

They do not consider that he speaks here, indeed, ambiguously; but in many other places both he and Metrodorus explain themselves as clearly as you have done.

His acquiescence was ungraciously, and I believe I may say ambiguously, expressed; but it mattered little, for I gathered up my goods and chattels, strapped them into my trunk, and waited for the summer to send us on our way rejoicing, the gentle and gracious young summer, that had come by the calendar, but had lost her way on the thermometer.

Of the three, the first was only ambiguously intolerant, for though it ordained that the Pope 'have no jurisdiction nor authority within this realm, that might be held to reject mainly the Papal encroachment upon civil power. The second was not intolerant at all, and as being well within the power and duty of the nation, it ought to have come first.

There was something so ambiguously frightful in this last threat that Dr. Stanhope determined to spend two or three summer months at his residence in Barchester.

Marat, in his Ami du Peuple, wrote thus ambiguously of Brissot: "Brissot," says the Friend of the People, "was never, in my eyes, a thorough-going patriot. Either from ambition or baseness, he has up to this time betrayed the duties of a good citizen. Why has he been so tardy in leaving a system of hypocrisy?

"If you're going away, what do you care?" she taunted. "H'm sure, what do I care?" He eyed her from under his brows while he bent to light a match upon the sole of his boot. Val had long ago settled his compunctions about smoking in her presence. "You seem to be all tore up, here," he observed irrelevantly. "Cleaning house?" "Yes cleaning house." Val smiled ambiguously. "Hubby in town?"

"Then your friendship isn't returned?" And as he but ambiguously threw up his hands, "Now, at least," she added, "she'll have something to tell you. I happen to know the upshot of my brother's last interview with his wife."

The notion was growing that he did not like his visitor. He asked finally: "Et yet?" "Not sence daylight. I seen your tepee up toward the top and thought maybe I could locate your wagon and git dinner." "I'll feed anybody that's hungry," Bowers replied ambiguously. The stranger asked innocently: "Who does this Outfit belong to?" "Miss Kate Prentice owns this brand." "Oh the 'Cheap Queen'!"