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As for this poor woman, her temper was exceedingly unhappy, and as it had made her uneasy and miserable all her life, so at her death it occasioned her to be impatient, and to behave inconsistently.

The steps taken by Protestantism involved a considerable change in the nature of marriage, but not necessarily any great changes in its form. Marriage was no longer a sacrament, but it was still a public and not a private function and was still, however inconsistently, solemnized in Church.

In a few minutes she reappeared with it, a heap of soft white folds in her arms, and a yard or so of the train dragging after her upon the carpet, the one presentable relic of a once inconsistently elaborate bridal trousseau, at present in a rather tumbled and rolled-up condition, but still white and soft and thick, and open to unlimited improvement.

A little reflection now convinces me that such a form is a distinction; and, indeed, I find it mentioned, rather inconsistently, in my note-book, a little further on, as "extremely simple and grand." The nave is spoken of in the same volume as "big, serious, and Gothic," though the choir and transepts are noted as very shallow.

"If they break in we've got to let them have it," Wemple said. Davies nodded quiet agreement, then inconsistently burst out with a lurid string of oaths. "To think of it!" he explained his wrath. "One out of three of those curs outside has worked for you or me lean-bellied, barefooted, poverty-stricken, glad for ten centavos a day if they could only get work.

Paul was conscious that he winced slightly, consistently and conscientiously, at the recollection of certain passages of his youth; inconsistently and meanly, at this suggestion of a joint relationship with Yerba's mother. "I think, too," continued Mrs.

"You heard him, probably, say to your mother that he had a rise of salary?" "Yes." "The fact is," continued Lawson, "I know that not to be true." Effie also in her heart of hearts knew it not to be true, but she could not bear to hear a stranger abuse her brother. "How can you be sure?" she said, somewhat inconsistently. "How can I be sure?" he retorted.

He tells us with what joy he preached the simpler truths of Buddhism to the attentive nomads, and in the next page remarks somewhat inconsistently: "I had my own reasons for being painstaking in these preachings.

I did this daily for weeks, and months, and years. And I never charged a penny for my labors. And I had no salary. I supported myself and my family by the sale of my cheap publications. Yet one of the slanders circulated by my enemies was, as I said, that I acted inconsistently with my published views on the use of money.

Yet while he had an active sympathy with and understanding of the humblest, Uncle Billy, who for many years had done his own and his partner's washing, scrubbing, mending, and cooking, and saw no degradation in it, was somewhat inconsistently irritated by menial functions in men, and although he gave extravagantly to waiters, and threw a dollar to the crossing-sweeper, there was always a certain shy avoidance of them in his manner.