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Updated: August 5, 2024

When the game was over he sat down beside Carmilla on the sofa, and asked her, a little anxiously, whether she had heard from her mother since her arrival. She answered "No." He then asked whether she knew where a letter would reach her at present. "I cannot tell," she answered ambiguously, "but I have been thinking of leaving you; you have been already too hospitable and too kind to me.

If he could possibly manage it, Luck would reach headquarters in time for dinner the Happy Family blandly called it supper, of course and would proceed to forget the day's irritations while he ate what he ambiguously called "real cookin'." There was a fireplace in that bungalow, and a fairly large living-room surrounding the fireplace.

But there! seeing you have rued your cruelty to me and made an excuse to see me even before him, there, I'll forgive you." "Oh! well!" drawled the Chamberlain, ambiguously. "But I can't make another excuse this week. He sits in here every night, and has a new daft notion for late suppers. Blame yourself for it, Sim, but there can be no trysts this week."

Madgwick felt exhilarated by this authentic peep into the lives of the great ones of the earth. "Of course it must be galling to be thrown over for another man though when it is a Lord " "Well, a Lord's no worse than another man," said Lady Martin rather ambiguously. "But they say there was a terrible scene Mr.

"I Your father will hardly keep me more than two weeks, unless unless I make good," he answered. "I guess you needn't worry about that," she replied, somewhat ambiguously. He shrugged. "It is very good of you to say it, Miss Knowles. I know I shall fail.

"What necktie do you want to wear to-day?" He mumbled ruefully, eyeing her over the coffee-cup: "Any of 'em. It don't matter which. They're all alike when you've tied 'em!" She beamed at what seemed to her a gallant speech. "Sans compliment? You really mean it? And you won't miss Grindlay so frightfully, after all?" He shook his head ambiguously.

'Thank you, said Margaret, ambiguously, as to the tone in which the words were spoken, but with a quick glance of approval. He had meant his speech for Madame De Rosa, who had probably been told that Margaret came to see him on a matter of business. But it was quite unnecessary.

"Why, this is only the beginning of it," he replied ambiguously. "It is never going to end." "Mercy! It must be a postscript." He had no retort handy, so he contented himself with watching the approach of the boat. "Some men are never satisfied," she said owlishly. "If I were a successful dramatist, such as you are, a public office would look rather tawdry."

"Yes," said Morgan, rising, "I wanted you to know, and I thought this was as good a time as I would have. You will remember it, whatever happens," he added ambiguously, as he started slowly down the road, in an opposite direction from the house. "Which way are you going?" asked Houston, also rising. "Down to the Y." "What! are you going that distance as late as this?"

"If it was that," she said ambiguously, "you had better have held your tongue. You had only to gain Ah, why did you do it? What was the good?" He made another gesture of lassitude; then, rousing himself, he remarked: "It was a calculation, then, a piece of simple arithmetic. If it gives her a little peace a little longer, why should three persons suffer be sacrificed when two might serve?"

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