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Updated: August 5, 2024

The first sting of a suspicion is grievous; but wait out of that wound, which to flesh and blood seemed so difficult, there is balm and honey to be extracted. Your friend passed you on such or such a day, having in his company one that you conceived worse than ambiguously disposed towards you, passed you in the street without notice.

"It's an awful undertaking for a single-handed woman," she observed. But this sort of thing she said almost unconsciously, and the other two women regarded it with no more alarm than any other reflex. "It's no worse starting single-handed than being left single-handed," offered Mis' Winslow somewhat ambiguously. "Lots does that's thrifty."

"You mean it's a case of strawberries?" questioned Crane. "Well I know it takes a lot of candles to find a lost quarter," remarked Porter, somewhat ambiguously. Then he added, "I must go down to thank Dixon; I guess this is his annual day for smiling." "I'm coming, too, father," said Allis; "I want to thank Lucretia, and give her a kiss, brave little sweetheart."

"Whew!" exclaimed Elfreda. "This looks like a warm day." "Regular Russian bath day," agreed Anne Nesbit. "I fear we girls will not have any complexions left after this journey," added Nora Wingate. "I wonder if that husband of mine is still asleep?" "Hippy is always sleeping when he isn't awake or eating," declared Emma ambiguously, causing a laugh at her expense.

Andrew stopped his loom, and, looking at August, said: "Our friend Jonas speaks somewhat periphrastically and euphuistically, and he'll pardon me but he speaks a little ambiguously." "My love, I gin it up, as the fish-hawk said to the bald eagle one day.

The world's full of money! Seems like it ought to be easy to get hold of some." "It is but it ain't," Luck stated somewhat ambiguously, and turned the talk to his meeting with the old-timers, and prepared to "sit tight" and wait for his god Good Luck to smile upon him. The smile arrived at noon the next day, in the form of a wire from Philadelphia.

Helen murmured ambiguously, and did not commit herself to one answer rather than to another. The tea-party, however, included too many different kinds of people for general conversation to flourish; and from Rachel's point of view possessed the great advantage that it was quite unnecessary for her to talk. Over there Susan and Arthur were explaining to Mrs.

"Say, Dade," he asked irrelevantly and with a mystifying earnestness, "which do you think would kill a man quickest a slash across the throat, or a stab in the heart?" "I wouldn't call either one healthy. Why?" "I was just wondering," Jack returned ambiguously. "If you hadn't happened along say, how did you happen to come? Was that another sample of my fool's luck?"

"Leave it to me," said Overland, still more ambiguously. Ringed round their little fire in the meadow sat or lay the Moonstone riders. While crossing the desert Williams had sketched a few of the red episodes in Overland's early career. These pleased the riders mightily. They were anxious to meet Red Jack Summers.

She would give them a taste of the Prussian way homoeopathic treatment. "But of course old vote-catching Asquith daren't he daren't!" Mr. Britling opened his mouth and said nothing; he was silenced. The men in khaki listened respectfully but ambiguously; one of the younger ladies it seemed was entirely of Lady Frensham's way of thinking, and anxious to show it.

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