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Updated: August 24, 2024

He gladly buys a freehold of fifty acres in the midst of one, burns it, makes a sod fence, sown with gorse seed a-top, all round his section, drains it in a rough and ready fashion, and then the splendid fertile soil which has been waiting for so many thousand years, "brings forth fruit abundantly."

"I believe if this here little lass was to once git it into her head that a thing was right, she'd do it if it landed her where it landed her paw, at the foot of a forty-foot embankment with a engine a-top of her." "That's a pretty good testimony to her character," said the judge. "It's our business, then, to see that she gets more definite instructions as to the traffic laws of life.

Nowhere in the world can one see such a thing as those great gate-piers, with a cognisance a-top, with a grille of iron-work between them, all sweetly entwined with some slim vagrant creeper, that give a glimpse and a hint no more of a fairy-land of shelter and fountains within.

In its function of medicine, the strong draught revived her, giving a twist to her pretty features, and sending a lively shudder through her slender frame. Pet rose from her seat quite briskly. "Now to bed. To bed at once. No delay. And mind you put on all the blankets, and your heavy shawl a-top of them." "Yes, father." Marcus blushed, twirled his hat, and made a motion toward the door.

They went scratching along the smooth ice for some yards before they could change their course. The turn, however, put Mark in a serious position. He found the thin ice cracking loudly under his feet. He glanced ahead. There was a streak of open water. He tried to turn again, but this time his spurs slipped. He went down on the ice. The first two wolves were a-top of him and one seized his arm.

She was turned into a wild dragon, all o'er claws and teeth, and there was three little dragons behind her, and they was all a-top o' me together. If El'nor hadn't thought better on't, and come and stood by me, there wouldn't have been much o' me to bring these here." "Then you did not run, Uncle Dan?" replied Avice. "She clutched me, lass!" responded Dan, with awful solemnity.

I thought, by the way you spoke, you be taken with a longing to get a-top o' the tower, and see all about you like. For you see, sir, fond as I be of the old church, I du feel sometimes as if she'd smother me; and then nothing will do but I must get at the top of the old tower.

Lennon was too intent upon overtaking her to more than glance at the stand of rough-made beehives, the kitchen garden, and the goat and chicken sheds, past which his pony galloped. Carmena reined in to jerk her thumb at a tumbledown brush hut. "Our home, till Slade got up the cliff." "How?" "Piecing ladders together, one a-top the other. There are our callers; and it's pie, thank goodness.

"Could you take me up in your waggon, if you're going towards Ashby?" said Hetty. "I'll pay you for it." "Aw," said the big fellow, with that slowly dawning smile which belongs to heavy faces, "I can take y' up fawst enough wi'out bein' paid for't if you dooant mind lyin' a bit closish a-top o' the wool-packs. Where do you coom from? And what do you want at Ashby?" "I come from Stoniton.

"And right a-top of your sayin' as writin' was unnatural!" he continued. She stared at him. "What has that to do with it? . . . Besides, whatever you're drivin' at, I didn' mean as all writin' was unnatural. I got to do enough of it for Mr Rogers, the Lord knows! But for them two, as have spent the best part of their lives navigatin' ships, it do seem well, we'll call it unmanly somehow."

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