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Tugby, that is, Chickenstalker, after thumping him violently on the back, and shaking him as if he were a bottle, was constrained to cry out, in great terror, "Good gracious, goodness, lord-a-mercy, bless and save the man! What's he a-doing?" To which all that Mr. Tugby can faintly reply, as he wipes his eyes, is, that he finds himself a little "elewated!"

"''Ow would it be to let 'im burn hisself a bit? I ses. "'If you was to see some o' the gunpowder he wants to play with, you wouldn't talk like that, ses the cap'n. 'You'd know better. The on'y thing is to keep 'em apart, and my pore missis is wore to a shadder a-doing of it. "It was just about a month arter that that he brought the old man up to London with 'im.

"It don't do to speak no harm of the dead, but as to them men as 'ad a collusion with a iceberg in the Australier sea, serve 'em jolly well right I say. What was they a-doing down there, risking their lives for nothing, when they ought to have been a-thinking of their wives and children. My Tom wanted to go for a sailor, but I wouldn't let him! Not me!

"Beats all what people are a-doing nowadays," ventured the farmer, shaking his head with astonishment, almost awe, as he looked the thing over. "They ain't even contented to just fly like a red-tailed hawk, or an eagle that kin look the sun direct in the eye; but now they got to have a contraption that's at home in the air or on the water; a hydroplane you called, it didn't you, Andy?

They had tried to send him along home, but he wouldn't go. So they let him foller and paid no more heed to him. Sam, he kept a-talking and a-begging, and several men a-telling of him to shut up. And him not a-doing it. Till finally one feller says very disgusted-like: "Boys, I'm going to turn this nigger loose." "We'll want his evidence," says another one. "Evidence!" says the first one.

There then they agreed on the whole ordering of the battle and the wending of the host, as shall be told later on; and this matter was long a-doing, and when it was done, men went to their places to sleep, for the night was well worn. But when men had departed and all was still, Folk-might, light-clad and without a weapon, left the Hall and walked briskly toward the nether end of the Vale.

It was Jack Midnight; but he did not recognize her till she cried, "Oh, I am so glad!" "Well, if it ain't the little miss!" said Jack. "Whatever have you been a-doing?" "What little miss?" queried the woman. "Mr. Lee's little miss. She belongs to the white cottage." "You don't say!" "Appears like quality folks, don't she?"

And to show it was not fear that retained them before, but policy, now they came up in parties to our very gates, braving and facing us every day. I had, with more curiosity than discretion, put myself as a volunteer at the head of one of our parties of horse, under my Lord Holland, when they went out to discover the enemy; they went, they said, to see what the Scots were a-doing.

"And 'oo might you be and what?" he questioned, beckoning me nearer with a motion of the kettle. "One who has lost his way " "In silver buttons an' a jerry 'at hum! You're a young nob, you are, a swell, a tippy, a go that's what you are! Wherefore and therefore I ask what you might be a-doing in this here wood at midnight's lone hour?" "I am lost "

John was not quick of comprehension, and could not give due weight to what was said to him while engaged in the important work of changing; therefore all pieces of family news were reserved until he had taken his seat and his pipe was fully alight. Then Mrs. Holl began "What do you think, John, Evan 'as been a-doing to-day?"