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Updated: August 16, 2024

But the Moderates are rinnin' mad a'thegither amang us: signing our auld Confession, just that they may get intil the kirk to preach against it; paring the New Testament doun to the vera standard o' heathen Plawto; and sinking ae doctrine after anither, till they leave ahint naething but deism that might scunner an infidel.

"I dinna a'thegither like thae walks upo' the Sabbath day," said the mother. "Jesus walkit on the Sabbath the same as ony ither day, mother!" "Weel, but He kenned what He was aboot!" "And sae do I, mother! I ken His wull!" "He had aye something on han' fit to be dune o' the Sabbath!" "And so hae I the day, mother. "There's a mony maun fare ill then, lass!"

This auld hoose is no a'thegither a heepocreet: it can haud the sun aff o' ye yet." Thomas had seen Annie holding her hand to her head, an action occasioned partly by the heat and partly by the rebuff Alec had given her. She stepped into the shadow beside him. "Isna the warl' fu' o' bonnie things cheap?" Thomas went on. "The sun's fine and het the day.

"It was not a'thegither on foot, sir," answered Jeanie; "for I sometimes got a cast in a waggon, and I had a horse from Ferrybridge, and then the coach " "Well, never mind all that," interrupted the Duke "What reason have you for thinking your sister innocent?" "Because she has not been proved guilty, as will appear from looking at these papers."

''Twas nae sae muckle gude I gained by't at hame; though I mind the time that a contested election was ane o' my gran' holidays, an' I thought mair o' what bigwig was to get into Parliament for the borough than I did o' my ain prospects in life, fule that I was; until I found the bairns comin', an' the loom going to the wall a'thegither before machinery and politics wouldna mak' the pot boil, nor gie salt to our parritch.

There's awkward kin' o' holes aboot thae vouts, an' jist whaur ye think there's nane. I dinna a'thegither like yer gaein' wantin' me." "Nonsense! Go along," said the marquis. "But I'm no jokin'," persisted Malcolm. "Yes, yes; we'll be careful," returned his master impatiently, and Malcolm ran down the hill, but not altogether satisfied with the assurance.

"I never saw sic widdiefows!" "They had a tow across the Wast Wynd i' the snaw, an' doon I cam o' my niz, as sure's your name's Charles Chapman and mair o' my legs oot o' my coats, I doobt, than was a'thegither to my credit."

''Deed, doctor, that winna do at a'. It wad be ower mony strange faces a'thegither. We'll get Mistress Fyvie to luik till 'im the day, an' Shargar canna work the morn, bein' Sunday. An' I'll gang to my bed for fear o' doin' waur, though I doobt I winna sleep i' the daylicht. Dr. Anderson was satisfied, and went home cogitating much.

"Ye wadna ken what she micht be up till, or hoo she micht set aboot it, my leddy. I wad hae ye mistrust her a'thegither. My daddy has a fine moral nose for vermin, an' he canna bide her, though he never had a glimp o' the fause face o' her, an' in trowth never spak till her." "I will tell my father of her. A woman like that is not fit to live amongst civilized people."

'Come through the heather, around him gather, Come Ronald, come Donald, come a'thegither, And crown your rightfu', lawfu' king, For wha'll be king but Charlie? I hope that those in authority will never attempt to convene a Peace Congress in Edinburgh, lest the influence of the Castle be too strong for the delegates.

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