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Updated: August 29, 2024

Immediately after I saw fruit of the Word. An individual fully opened his heart to me. Nov. 11. As only 4s. 6d. had come in for knitting, and 2s. 6d. as a donation for the Orphans since the 8th, we were now again very poor. Today there was 9s. more needed than there was in hand, which one of the labourers gave.

Dwelling House 19 by 35, part finished £ 90. 0.0 1 Building 16 by 40, Rough boarded, improved for Cooper's Shop & Kitchen 15. 0.0 1 Log Store 20 by 30, without floor 20. 0.0 1 Barn 24 by 35 16. 6.0 1 Log house 14 by 18, occupied by Black 6.12.0 1 House 16 by 20, occupied by Bradley 7.10.0 1 Well 15 feet deep 1.10.0 1 Necessary House 1.10.0 1 Lime Kiln 14. 0.0 1 Gondalo 10. 0.0 1 Wherry 1. 0.0 2 Large Seines 14. 0.0 1 Cart 100s., 2 Sleds, 18s. 5.18.0 1 Drag 9s., 1 Harrow 15s. 1. 4.0 2 Iron bars 20s., 1 Crow-bar 10s 1.10.0 3 Stone Hammers @ 7s. 1. 1.0 4 Spades @ 6s. 8d., 3 Shovels @ 3s. 1.15.8 1 Broad Axe 12s., 6 Narrow Axes @ 6s. 2. 8.0 15 Old Axes @ 3s. 2. 5.0 Whipsaw 40s., 1 Cross cut do. 30s. 3.10.0 4 Augers 12s., 3 chisels 6s. 18.0 2 Iron Squares, 8s., 3 pitch forks 12s. 1. 0.0 7 Hoes @ 2s. 8d. 18.8 1 Set Cooper's Tools 2. 5.0 2 Nail hammers 3s., 1 plough 18s. 1. 1.0 2 Scythes @ 6s., 2 pick axes @ 5s. 1. 4.0 7 Chains 4.10.0 1 Beetle 1s. 6d., 2 Wedges 3s. 4.6 160 Hogsheads Lime stone at ye Kiln @ 5s. 4d. 42.13.4 50 Hogsheads at the Quarry dug @ 1s. 2.10.0 50 Cords wood at Kiln @ 3s. 6d. 8.15.0 80 Cords wood in ye Woods & 1s. 6d. 7. 6.8 Wire 60s., Spruce Logs at the Water 80s. 7. 0.0 84 Pine logs at the falls worth 22. 8.0 119 Pine logs scattered in ye River @ 3s. 17. 7.0 8 Oxen worth at St.

And that at his death he left four daughters, Alice, Cicely, Jane and Margaret; that he gave to each of them an hundred pounds; that he left Joan, his wife, his sole executrix; and that, by his inventory his estate a great part of it being in books came to £1,092 9s. 2d., which was much more than he thought himself worth; and which was not got by his care, much less by the good housewifery of his wife, but saved by his trusty servant, Thomas Lane, that was wiser than his master in getting money for him, and more frugal than his mistress in keeping of it.

Also several articles of clothing for the children. Feb. 13. Since the 8th, five donations, amounting to 9l. 9s., had come in. This afternoon I paid out the last money which we had in hand, and in giving it to brother T. said, we have now again to look to the Lord for further supplies. This evening 5l. was given to me, which had come in under the folio wing circumstances:

It would have been desirable to have had 3l. today, but only 1l. 3s. 11d, was in hand, which I sent off. In our need we were led to open the boxes in the Orphan-Houses, which had not been done for some weeks, and in them was found 16s. 2 1/2d. To this one of the labourers added 9s. By this 2l. 9s. 1 1/2d. we could meet those expenses which needed to be met, and we were thus helped through the day.

Silk, in 1814, sold for 1l. 4s., or with duty included, 1l. 9s.; whilst in 1829 it sold for 8s. 10d., or with the duty, 8s. 11d. the pound. Spanish wool, in 1814, sold for 8s. 2d., or with the duty, at 8s. 3d.; whilst in 1829 it sold for only 2s. 3d., or with the duty at 2s. 4d. Another article, that of fir-timber, fell in proportion.

We set out, the reckoning and servants coming to 9s. 6d.; my guide thither, 2s.; coachman, advanced, 10s.

One of the old members of the Queen's Park, and associated with men whose names I have already mentioned in its early struggles, he knew, if I may be allowed to use a simile which is likely to force a smile, what football poverty was, for is it not a fact that he was a member of the Q.P. Finance Committee when the annual subscription was sixpence, the yearly income £3 9s. 8d., and as the expenditure amounted up to £4 2s. 4d., the deficit of 12s. 8d. had to be made up by a levy?

The figures represent the particulars of 7,917 separate Bills of Exchange, varying in amount from £1 to £10 each a few exceeding the latter sum; so many separate offerings from the natives of Ireland who have heretofore emigrated from its shores, sent to their relations and friends in Ireland, drawn and paid between the 1st of January and the 15th of December, 1846 not quite one year; and amount in all to £41,261 9s. 11d.

Thus the Lord not only supplied again our present need for the three houses, but I was also able to put by the rent for this week and the next, acting out the light which He had given us this day week. There came in 9s. 6d., besides 7l. for the blankets.

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