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The immigration inspectors gave us a quick examination and we were turned back to the shipping people, who paid us off, two pounds, equal to about ten dollars real change. After that we rode on the train half an hour and then marched through the streets, darkened to fool the Zeps.

If we could only get one of the Zeps!" A furious outburst of firing followed, lasting perhaps a minute, then ceased as if by magic. They saw two searchlights converge and meet right overhead. "It's above us!" murmured Noel. Pierson put his arm round her waist. 'She feels no fear! he thought. The search-lights switched apart; and suddenly, from far away, came a confusion of weird sounds.

"Well, this IS fine," he declared, "and it's what the boys want. But this fire is against orders, sir. I ought to have it put out." "You will have it put out over my dead body, sergeant major," cried the M. O. "And mine," added Barry. "By gad, we'll chance the zeps, sir," said the sergeant major. "This freezin' rain will kill more men than a bomb.

What with the Zeps, and their brothers and all in France, it's 'arassin'. I've lost a brother meself, and I've got a boy out there in the Garden of Eden; his mother carries on dreadful about him. What we shall think of it when it's all over, I can't tell. These Huns are a wicked tough lot!"

In surprise, I answered, "Why, the damage caused by the Zeps." With a wink, he replied: "There was no damage, we missed them again." After several fruitless inquiries of the passersby, I decided to go on my own in search of ruined buildings and scenes of destruction. I boarded a bus which carried me through Tottenham Court Road. Recruiting posters were everywhere.

With this the construction of the first Zeppelin craft was begun. Though there had been built up to the opening of the war twenty-five "Zeps" nobody knows how many since the fundamental type was not materially altered in the later ones, and a description of the first will stand for all.

At any rate all leaves of absence for the airmen were canceled, and they were ordered to hold themselves in readiness to repel the "Zeps," as they were called, preventing them from getting across the lines to Paris. "And we'll bring down one or two for samples, if we can!" boasted Jack. "What makes it so sure that they are coming?" asked Tom. It developed there was nothing sure about it.

But the information had come from the Allied air secret service, and doubtless had its inception when some French or British airman saw scenes of activity near one of the Zeppelin headquarters in the German-occupied territory. There were certain fairly positive signs. And, surely enough, a few nights later, the agreed-upon alarm was sounded. "The Zeps are coming!"

He slept with his face in shadow. Slowly into the silence of his sleep little sinister sounds intruded. Short concussions, dragging him back out of that deep slumber. He started up. Noel was standing at the door, in a long coat. She said in her calm voice: "Zeps, Daddy!" "Yes, my dear. Where are the maids?"

Anyway, I learned that the Zeps had returned to their Fatherland, so I went out into the street expecting to see scenes of awful devastation and a cowering populace, but everything was normal. People were calmly proceeding to their work. Crossing the street, I accosted a Bobbie with: "Can you direct me to the place of damage?" He asked me, "What damage?"