Vietnam or Thailand ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !
Updated: January 19, 2025
Thus you get glimpses of Seattle, Steilacoom, Tacoma, and of the so-called saw-mill ports Port Madison, Port Gamble, Port Ludlow, and Port Townsend the last named being also the boundary of our Uncle Samuel's dominions for the present, and the port of entry for this district, with a custom-house which looks like a barn, and a collector and inspectors, the latter of whom examine your trunk as you return from Victoria to save you from the sin of smuggling.
There had been a scarlet-fever epidemic on the lower West Side, which the health inspectors finally traced to the public school of the district. A boy with the disease had been turned loose before the "peeling" was over, and had achieved phenomenal popularity in the classroom by a trick he had of pulling the skin from his fingers as one would skin a cat.
In industry, the auditors, accountants, and inspectors should be independent of the manager, the superintendents, foremen, and in time, I believe, we shall come to see that in order to bring industry under social control the machinery of record will have to be independent of the boards of directors and the shareholders.
He was also empowered to appoint inspectors throughout the rest of the kingdom. Naturally, the royalist press came out in strong denunciations, but these were terminated when the French established a press censorship.
I was glad to see that the inspectors showed real indignation at this attempt to tamper with a witness. They were both very polite, and in examining the village boys tried to copy our paternal way of speaking to them, with rather comical results.
Smith, and that he had put into the box that enclosure which contained the votes taken by the persons whom he judged to be the legal inspectors: a matter proper to have been submitted to the opinion of the committee.
I don't mind detectives and post-office inspectors I talk to 'em eight minutes and then sell 'em stock but them reporters take the starch out of my collar. Boys, I recommend that we declare a dividend and fade away. The signs point that way." Me and Buck talked to Atterbury and got him to stop sweating and stand still. That fellow didn't look like a reporter to us.
I shall be sorry to lose him, for he is an exceptionally good man, but we can't allow failures in petty officer detectives any more than we can in chief inspectors." "Where does Trehayne come from? His name sounds Cornish," I asked. "Falmouth, I believe. He is quite young, but he has had nearly three years in the Vernon at Portsmouth and in the torpedo factory at Greenock.
It often happens that a whole Irish family is crowded into one bed; often a heap of filthy straw or quilts of old sacking cover all in an indiscriminate heap, where all alike are degraded by want, stolidity, and wretchedness. Often the inspectors found, in a single house, two families in two rooms. All slept in one, and used the other as a kitchen and dining-room in common.
Whitford was not at the hotel where he and the other custom inspectors had put up. They made no secret of their presence in Shopton, and all sorts of rumors were flying about regarding them. Mr. Whitford, the hotel clerk said, had gone out of town for the day, and, as Ned and Tom did not feel like telling their suspicions to any of the other agents, they started back home.
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