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Updated: September 2, 2024

And be it further enacted, That superintendents of Indian affairs shall, within their several superintendences, exercise a general supervision and control over the official conduct and accounts of all officers and persons employed by the Government in the Indian Department, under such regulations as shall be established by the President of the United States; and may suspend such officers and persons from their office or employments, for reasons forthwith to be communicated to the Secretary of War.

Some superintendents who had arrived in the fleet, and were hired by government for the purpose of overlooking and directing the convicts, were found extremely serviceable in accelerating the progress of improvement. July, 1790. He was in a small boat, with three marines, in the harbour, when a whale was seen near them.

It has been found to work well where the vice-presidents, one from each church, are made conveners of these committees, or superintendents. These conveners of committees or superintendents of departments with the general officers constitute the executive. In a small place it may be as well to transact all business in an open meeting of the union.

He now dreaded seeing again three commissaries, hearing again kind words, and being treated again with fine promises. His disease now made rapid progress, and Gomin and Lasne, superintendents of the Temple, thinking it necessary to inform the Government of the melancholy condition of their prisoner, wrote on the register: "Little Capet is unwell."

It was the same with cattle that were gored and dying, or were limping with broken bones stuck through their flesh they must be killed, even if brokers and buyers and superintendents had to take off their coats and help drive and cut and skin them.

In his monograph on the derivation of these tests Mr. Woody gives results which will enable the teacher to compare his class with children already tested in other school systems. In the case of all of these standard tests, school surveys and superintendents' reports are available which will make it possible to institute comparisons among different classes and different school systems.

In the same sheet from which the above is quoted, we find notes, cautions, and intimations as to such various matters as the holding of the levers of facing points when trains are passing through junctions; the attention required of drivers to new signals; the improper use of telegraph bells; the making search for lost "passes;" the more careful loading of goods waggons; the changes in regard to particular trains; the necessity of watchfulness on the part of station-masters, robberies having been committed on the line; the intimation of dates when and places where ballast trains are to be working on the line; the times and, places when and where repairs to line are to take place during the brief intervals between trains of the ordinary traffic; and many other matters, which naturally lead one to the belief that superintendents of railways must possess the eyes of Argus, the generalship of Wellington, and the patience of Job.

He now dreaded seeing again three commissaries, hearing again kind words, and being treated again with fine promises. His disease now made rapid progress, and Gomin and Lasne, superintendents of the Temple, thinking it necessary to inform the Government of the melancholy condition of their prisoner, wrote on the register: "Little Capet is unwell."

Every man or woman in the Netherlands might be placed in the list of the misleaders, at the discretion of the officials. The pretended mercy to the misguided was a mere delusion. The superintendents, preachers, teachers, ministers, sermon-makers, deacons, and other officers, were to be executed with the halter, with confiscation of their whole property. So much was very plain.

Still talking, the girls presently ran downstairs, and briskly followed the road that wound up, above the village, to the top of the hill. Anna chattered of the hospital, of the superintendent of nurses, who was a trial to all the young nurses, "all superintendents are tyrants, I think," said Anna, "and we just have to shut our teeth and bear it!

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