United States or Martinique ? Vote for the TOP Country of the Week !

Warnings and entreaties and cautions not to be rash, and assurances that the best soldiers were ever the most prudent, were these the counsels of the fierce veteran who at the head of the forlorn hope had mounted the wall at , his sword between his teeth?

"In truth, senor," said Sancho, "one of the counsels and cautions I mean to bear in mind shall be this, not to belch, for I'm constantly doing it." "Eruct, Sancho, not belch," said Don Quixote. "Eruct, I shall say henceforth, and I swear not to forget it," said Sancho.

But if it tell the near approach of the undesired, inevitable guest, what sound short of the muffled noises made by the undertakers as they turn the corners in the dim-lighted house, with low shuffle of feet and whispered cautions, carries such a sense of knocking-kneed collapse with it as the thumping down in the front entry of the heavy portmanteau, rammed with the changes of uncounted coming weeks?

Having done this, he opened the door a little, and looked in with a cautions movement. These proceedings puzzled Reginald still more, and he tried in vain to conjecture what their object might be. One cautious look satisfied Leon. He opened the door wider, and said, in a low voice, to his brother, "Come along; he's quiet just now."

The vats are often lined with cement containing datable potsherds, and are sometimes paved with mosaic tesserae. Sacred trees and bushes, recognized by the rags with which they are festooned. Should be photographed and mapped, and their legends ascertained, subject to the cautions given above under the head of Sanctuaries.

Was it some scheme of her secret love for the priest; or mere coarse resentment of the cautions Ferris had once hinted, a piece of vulgar bravado? But if she had acted throughout in pure simplicity, in unwise goodness of heart? If Don Ippolito were altogether self-deceived, and nothing but her unknowing pity had given him grounds of hope?

But those animals are like their native masters cunning and treacherous, ready to take advantage of their riders whenever it happens to come in their way. "Which is the raison I cautions ye to be riddy for a fall," said Mickey, after referring to some of the peculiarities of these steeds of the Southwest.

The untutored loveliness of his song fills the hide-bound Mastersingers with dismay, and Beckmesser's slate is soon covered. Walther, angry and defeated, rushes out in despair, and the assembly breaks up in confusion. Only the genial Hans Sachs finds truth and beauty in the song, and cautions his colleagues against hasty judgment.

Then, renewing his cautions and advice, he concluded by saying, with a solemnity and warmth of feeling, with which Duncan was deeply touched: "And, now, God bless you! You have shown a spirit that I like; for it is the gift of youth, more especially one of warm blood and a stout heart. But believe the warning of a man who has reason to know all he says to be true.

Maurice was greatly relieved when he perceived his grandmother's perfect indifference to the individual whom he had selected. Mrs. Lawkins had been thrown "into a flutter" by Madeleine's cautions and the prospect of being obliged to parry a series of cross-questions; but the reception she received quickly restored her equanimity.