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Dad, with his huge, ungainly, hairy paws behind him, stood mute, like the great pitiful elephant he was, and looked at the tucks and the rest stupidly. "Where before did y'ever see such tucks and frills and lace on a night-shirt? Why, you'd think 't were for goin' to picnics in, 'stead o' goin' to bed with. Here, too! here's a pair of brand new stays, besides the ones she's on her back.

Did y'ever see so many?" A few steps brought them to a high brick wall, against which flowers, weeds, and vines grew rank together. They followed this wall, walking more rapidly, for the day was breaking in earnest and groping was needless now. Presently they came to a spot where the wall was broken away, leaving an opening just broad enough to admit a man's body.

"Here's a feller called Rutherford B. H. Horowitz, what says he used to be a suit-buyer in Indianapolis. Ever hear of him, Abe?" "We don't want no fellers what used to be buyers, Mawruss," Abe retorted. "What we want is fellers what is cloak and suit salesmen. Ain't it?" "Well, here's a feller by the name Arthur Katzen, Abe," Morris went on. "Did y'ever hear of him, Abe?"

They ain't no man ever throw'd a kak on Ace of Spades but me, an' as fer sellin' him, or tradin' him I'll shoot him first!" A sudden commotion at the back of the room caused both men to turn toward the wheel where a fierce altercation had arisen between the croupier and the vagabond to whom the Texan had tossed his last coin. "You'll take that er nothin'! It's more money'n y'ever see before an' "

"Speakin' of veterinaries," chuckled a man with three rolls of fat on his neck, "did y'ever hear the story of the negro and the mule with the cough?" None of them apparently ever had, so the stout brother told all about how ha, ha! the mule coughed first. "I remember that story now," remarked one of the jury reminiscently while the fat man glared at him.

"Drive her drive her another length and you got 'em. And, Kenney, it's the best of ash you've got. Don't be afraid of breaking it. And, Dan Burns, didn't y'ever learn to keep stroke in the Bay of Islands with nine more men beside you rowing? And drive her hit her up now here's where we got 'em they can't hold it on their lives. Now then, another dozen strokes and it's over.

"Pretty, pretty, pretty," you could hear the gang along our rail. "They talk about knockabout racing craft," said Clancy, "but did y'ever see anything drop to a berth slicker than that? And that's a vessel you c'n go to sea in, and in the hardest winter gale that ever blew you c'n turn in when your watch is done and have a feeling of comfort."

Shock, who was in a stiff suit of corduroys, looked at him sharply, spun round, and ran off. "Y'ever see the likes o' him?" said Ike chuckling. "Puts me in mind of a scared dog, he do, reg'lar." "But tell me," I said; "how was it? I don't remember." "Well, it were like this, you see," said Ike.