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If you've made a fool of yourself you must eat humble pie. Your wife doesn't strike me as the sort of woman to bear malice." "How can I go back to the studio?" he said wearily. "They're there. I've left it to them." "Then it's not your wife who's left you; it's you who've left your wife." "For God's sake don't talk to me like that." Still I could not take him seriously.

"If he has sold his birthright for a mess of pottage, that is precisely what the patrons of art in this country demand that every man shall do who comes here. I could tell you of a dozen good fellows who've been spoiled in that way. I am far enough outside to look on in an unbiased way; but they treat us architects in the same fashion.

He bent down over her: "Tell us, child me an' Miss Alice tell us what's pesterin' you. You mustn't die this way you who've got such a right to be happy." The hectic spark burned to white heat in her cheek. She bit her nails, she picked at the cover, she looked toward the bed and asked feebly: "Are they asleep? Can I talk to you two?" The old man nodded. Alice soothed her brow.

"It may be for all that, and in my opinion is. Ah! cousin, there's no telling how an Indian will act. I never knew one who didn't turn treacherous when it served his purpose. Whether the old chief has been so or not, I'm quite sure his son has. Take my word for it, Ludwig, it's the Tovas Indians who've done this deed, and it will be with them we'll have to deal."

I've heard the same thing about Indians; that some of those who make the most trouble are the very ones who've been to Carlisle. It isn't because they're educated, because they would have been wild and wicked anyhow, but the very fact that they are educated seems to make them more dangerous. I hope it isn't the same with this gypsy; but we've got to be careful."

"I say, little man," said big Starry Hamilton, "call yourself together if you can. Who've both gone? In short, who is the lady?" "Why, Kate Raymond, you blessed idiot!" cried Merrill, rushing for the door, followed by the whole crowd.

"No you see, he went for morality: I don't care a damn for morality: teaching doesn't come in, ethics and all that, but passion and emotion. The greatest portrait painters have painted both, man and the intention of his soul; Rembrandt and El Greco; it's only the second-raters who've only painted man.

You can't have perfect horses any more than you can perfect men, or perfect women. You put up with red hair, or bad teeth, or big feet, or sometimes with the devil of a voice. But a man when he wants a horse won't put up with anything! Therefore those who've got horses to sell must lie. When I go into the market with three hundred pounds I expect a perfect animal.

After a time Rob, hearing what he supposed to be the quacking of a duck in the grass behind him, started back to find what he fancied was the hidden mallard. He saw Alex looking at him curiously, and once more heard the quacking. "Why, it's you who've been doing that all the time, Alex!" exclaimed Rob. "I see now why those ducks would come closer to you than to me you were calling them!"

"You may say you don't read books," he remarked, "but, all the same, you know about them. Besides, who wants you to be learned? Leave that to the poor devils who've got nothing better to do. You you ahem! "Well, then, why don't you read me something before I go?" said Katharine, looking at her watch. "Katharine, you've only just come! Let me see now, what have I got to show you?"