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It will be all very well going to the heads of the ponies as soon as the way's clear and leading them in and out amongst the rocks, so that if any of the enemy sees us he'll think we are sneaking away; but when that's done and we are clear of the enemy, what then?" "Why, we must gallop off," cried Marcus, excitedly. "This is not a time for your slow and sure." "Oh, arn't it?" grumbled Serge.

"I have secured a temporary truce to report to you in person, I have fought my corps to a frazzle. The road is still blocked and I cannot move." "What is your advice?" Lee asked. "Your decision settles it, sir." A courier plunged toward the group on a foaming horse. "Fitzhugh Lee's cavalry's broken through!" he shouted. "The way's opened. The whole army can pass!"

Says the king: "Dern him, I wonder what he done with that four hundred and fifteen dollars?" They worried over that awhile, and ransacked all around for it. Then the duke says: "Well, he was a pretty sick man, and likely he made a mistake I reckon that's the way of it. The best way's to let it go, and keep still about it. We can spare it." "Oh, shucks, yes, we can SPARE it.

Olof rose and followed his brother to the door, watching him as he strode along, with head bowed forward a little and arms swinging briskly at his sides. "Each works best in his own way," he said to himself, smiling affectionately at the thought. "And maybe his way's like to be better for Koskela than they ever thought."

'Our way's the best, thought Guy, as he meditated every mode of gaining admission. 'A hundred men an hour might be lost cutting steps up that steep slate; and once at the top we should only have to be shoved down again. While thus engaged, he heard a summons sounded from the castle, and scrambled back to Farina. 'The Thier leads now, said he, 'and who leads is captain.

Tell me that you'll wait until I'm able to come to you and say: 'My beloved, the way's clear. Be my wife to-morrow!" His tone was masterful. His ardent eyes thrilled her. She murmured: "Beauvayse ...!" She swayed to him, as a young palm sways before a breeze, and he caught her in his strenuous, young embrace, and held her firmly against him.

"Their nearest way's along the river, down as far as our old tolderia. After that " "Sh!" interrupts the Paraguayan, leaning over, and speaking in a cautious whisper, "Did you not hear something? Like the chinking of a bitt curb? I shouldn't wonder if they're in among those bushes. Suppose you stay here and keep watch along the bank, while I go and beat up that bit of cover?"

"Oh, ay!" returned the other, interrupting him; "but I didn' mind what I was sayin': 'twas thinkin' o' somethin' else I was of home, Bartle, an' what we're brought to; but the best way's to dhrop all discoorse about that forever." "You'll be my friend if you do," said Connor. "I will, then," replied Bartle; "we'll change it. Connor, were you ever in love?"

"Was it you?" Mr. Touchett eagerly asked. "No, it was an older friend; a poor gentleman who came over from America to see about it." "Well, I'm sorry for him, whoever he was. But it only proves what I say that the way's open to you." "If it is, dear father, it's all the greater pity that I'm unable to tread it. I haven't many convictions; but I have three or four that I hold strongly.

I was a-feared it was a long way off; I must have passed it in the night." "I hate it!" cried the girl, her lips tense. "But I'll be so near," he explained. "And why do you hate it?" "Yes you'll be near," she admitted; "that'll be nice; but " she glanced westward, and the fierce look faded. Soft joy crept to her face again, and she sat once more dreaming. "Yon way's nicest," she said.