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As they approached, the chopper stopped abruptly, and gazed on them in blank wonder. The dishevelled girl, with hanging hair, and red "wamus," and the wild, haggard-looking, coatless youth, with belt and hatchet, were as strange apparitions, coming up out of the interminable woods, as could well meet the gaze of a rustic wood-chopper of an early morning.

Barton now took from a pocket on the outside of the "wamus," a small parcel, and produced some slices of tongue and bread, which the famished girl ate with the relish and eagerness of a hungry child. More wine, now mingled with water, completed her repast; and Bart made further preparations for her comfort and rest.

There was a hush for a moment as the students grasped the implication and cries of "Sold!" burst from them. A large number did call the next morning to discover whether he had actually stated facts, which of course he had. * A wamus in old times was a very heavy woollen garment.

I never seed it beat; if he onct sots them black eyes on our hulking carcasses he’ll get us yit,” muttered my guide, enthusiastically. “He’s mighty slender, quick and purtybut so also be a rattlesnake!” he exclaimed, as another arrow slit the sleeve of his wamus as cleanly as if it were cut with a knife. “For God’s sake, stop!” I shouted, in real alarm.

She laughed, and said funny little things at her looks and dress, and examined the "wamus" with great interest, with a blush put it on, and tied it coquettishly about her waist, then seemed to think, and took it off gravely. Next she ran eagerly out to the other room, and asked for Bart, and looked grave, and wondered, when Mrs. Wilder told her he had gone, and she wondered that Mrs.

Edward, bring me two of those bundles of hickory; and George, let me have your hatchet and belt." He spoke in his ordinary voice, but he looked like one inspired. Throwing off his coat, and arraying himself in a red "wamus," and replacing his boots with heavy, close-fitting brogans, he was ready.

As he advanced in evening dress a voice called out "How are your coat tails?" a greeting which was repeated from all parts of the house. During a momentary lull he exclaimed with the peculiar squinting of the eyes and the half-laugh his friends so well remember: "Your greeting reminds me of Dave Larkins's reply when criticised for wearing a wamus* in July.

As it is, however, we're plumb up ag'inst it, an' I reckon, Boggs, he'll have to hang without you an' him bein' formally introdooced. "'Jest the same, I wishes, says Dave Tutt, 'that Doc Peets or Enright was along. They'd shore dig somethin' outen this citizen. "'Mebby he's got papers in his wamus, says Boggs, 'which onfolds concernin' him.

Dave said, with his slow drawl, 'If you don't like my wamus I can take it off." The suggestion took with the students and when the laughter had ceased, cries of "You'll do go on," came from everywhere. The incident roused Powell, and he has often said he never talked better nor had a more attentive audience. He was rewarded with enthusiastic applause.

"'But thar's bitterness to follow vict'ry. Jeff emerges like Diana from the bath an' frales the wamus off me with a club. Talk of puttin' a crimp in folks! Gents when Jeff's wrath is assuaged I'm all on one side like the leanin' tower of Pisa. Jeff actooally confers a skew-gee to my spinal column. "'A week later my folks takes me to a doctor.