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After an introduction by means of a few views of scenery or other impersonal objects, with a letter or two of explanation, the artist sends his own presentment, not in the stiff shape of a purchased carte de visite, but as seen in his own study or parlor, surrounded by the domestic accidents which so add to the individuality of the student or the artist.

The swamp near which he died may be called, without unseemly pun a truth, not a bon mot the last ditch of the rebellion. None of the printed pictures that I have seen do justice to Booth. Some of the cartes de visite get him very nearly. He had one of the finest vital heads I have ever seen. In fact, he was one of the best exponents of vital beauty I have ever met.

I guess John Alloway ain't to be bluffed. He knows too much and they all know he knows enough. When John Alloway, 32 Main Street, with a ranch on the Katanay, says, 'We're coming Mr. and Mrs. John Alloway is coming, they'll get out their cards visite, I guess."

Shortly after the kings sonne came to Tripolis to visite his father, and seeing our company, hee greatly fancied Richard Burges our Purser, and Iames Smith: they were both yong men, therefore he was very desirous to haue them to turne Turkes, but they would not yeeld to his desire, saying: We are your fathers slaues, and as slaues wee will serue him.

Palgrave dit que Woolner fait un choix serieux dans ses amities. Sa femme est jolie, delicate, gracieuse, intelligente; elle me fait l'effet d'un lys. "J'ai recu la visite de Haden hier, il m'a plus enseigne relativement a l'eau-forte en une demi-heure de conversation que dix ans de pratique ne l'auraient fait. Voici mes engagements: "Samedi, diner chez Leslie. Dimanche, tantot chez Lewes.

Donnacona their Lord desired our Captaine the next day to come and see Canada, which he promised to doe: for the next day being the 13 of the moneth, he with all his Gentlemen and fiftie Mariners very well appointed, went to visite Donnacona and his people, about a league from our ships. The place where they make their abode is called Stadaoona.

Si vous estes assis, lors que quelq'vn vous vient rendre visite, leuez-vous dés qu'il approche; si la dignité de la personne demande cette deference, comme s'il a quelque aduantage sur vous, s'il vous est égal, ou inferieur; mais non pas fort familier. Si vous vous reposez chez vous, ayant quelque siege, faites en soite de traiter chacun selon son merite.

Keep away from the hotel and avoid us both. Go up to Ferney and come back on the one o'clock boat." There was a neat carte de visite in the inclosure. "Now, I will wager that is not her name," he smiled as he read the Italian script. "I can certainly now afford to throw a day or so away on her. At any rate, I will let her make the game.

"Yes," said Mrs Greenow, waving her handkerchief, of which little but a two-inch-deep border seemed to be visible. Bellfield knew at once that it was not the same handkerchief which she had waved before they went down to dinner. "Yes, there he is. It's so like him." And then she apostrophized the carte de visite of the departed one. "Dear Greenow; dear husband!

Presently we came to the quarters of the women, likewise deserted 'Ou sont vos bonnes femmes? asked the Resident; and the jailer cheerfully responded: 'Je crois, Monsieur le Resident, qu'elles sont allees quelquepart faire une visite. It had been the design of M. Delaruelle, who was much in love with the whimsicalities of his small realm, to elicit something comical; but not even he expected anything so perfect as the last.