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He checked them off on the tines of his fork, occasionally pausing to take a bite from the meat held in his other hand. "Der vos five kilt, Captain; dot vos it. I vos hit mit der ear off, und vos hongry as never vos; Sands is goin' to die, und maybe Elliott vill not get some better; some odders vos hurted, und der guide vos took brisoner." "Taken prisoner?"

An' I wants some dishes an' a stenshun table, an' 'ittle bedstead, an' yuffled seets, an' pillars, an' blue silk kilt, an' ever so many sings which papa cannot buy, 'cause he hasn't dot the money. Vill you send them, Miss McDolly, pese, an' your likeness, too. I wants to see how you looks. My mam-ma is pretty, with black hair an' eyes, but she's awful old I dess. How old is you?

I nevare joke; je n'entends pas la raillerie, Sare, voulez-vous have de kindness to give me back de money vot I pay!" "Certainly not." "Den vill you be so good as to take de East River off de top of my lot?" "That's your business, sir, not mine." "Den I make von mauvaise affaire von gran mistake!" "I hope not. I don't think you have thrown your money away in the land."

He was soon pulled from the ruins of the chair. "Ach! So. I unterstandt now!" exclaimed Mr. Switzer. "I haf your meaning now, of vat 'abandon' is, Mr. Pertell. I am to break der chair ven I sits on it, yes? Dot is 'abandon' a chair. Vot a queer lanquitch der English is, alretty. Vell, brings me annuder chair und I vill abandon it!" Mr. Pertell threw his hands upwards in a despairing gesture.

"I declare, it's a bird of some sort." "A prairie-hen," remarked Joe, as Crusoe laid the bird at Dick's feet; "capital for supper." "Ah! dat chien is superb! goot dog. Come here, I vill clap you." But Crusoe refused to be caressed. Meanwhile, Joe and Dick formed a sort of beehive-looking hut by bending down the stems of a tall bush and thrusting their points into the ground.

And alvays I see my own hungry! I dink I could kill myself; but dat helps not, and I go avay, oh, eferyvere about New York, and beg for vork. And den eferyvere it iss said, 'He is a tramp, and alvays dey tell me, 'No, ve gif not to tramps. Go to vere you came from. I say, 'I am not tramps. My children are hungry. Gif me vork: I vant to eat for dem not money, but to eat if you vill.

"Vell, vell, vell I'm not prepared to commit myself. Shoost let me take a look round, vill you?" "With the greatest pleasure and I'll give another shout for the coal." Stanwell went out on the landing, and Mr. Shepson, left to himself, began a meditative progress about the room. On an easel facing the improvised dais stood a canvas on which a young woman's head had been blocked in.

The man shrank back involuntarily from Brandon's vindictive forehead and kindled eyes; but with the cunning peculiar to low vice, answered, though in a humbler tone, "And vet good vill that do your 'oner? If so be as how you scrags I, will that put your vorship in the vay of finding he?"

"Vait!" he snapped, "I vill speak vit' you aftervards." The girls prophesied the terrible things that were to happen, as they lingered in the cloak room, waiting their turn on the threadbare spot in the rug which a rich girl had bought to cover the threadbare spot in the carpet in front of the mirror.

I wish to have nothing to do with him; I shall do my best to forget that I have known him, or that such a man exists. All the members of his family and my own share the wish, sir, so do all the persons who once did the said Pons the honor of receiving him." "Boot, mennseir, you are a reasonaple mann; gif you vill bermit me, I shall exblain die affair "