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I nevare joke; je n'entends pas la raillerie, Sare, voulez-vous have de kindness to give me back de money vot I pay!" "Certainly not." "Den vill you be so good as to take de East River off de top of my lot?" "That's your business, sir, not mine." "Den I make von mauvaise affaire von gran mistake!" "I hope not. I don't think you have thrown your money away in the land."

Be upon your guard against quarrels at Paris; honor is extremely nice there, though the asserting of it is exceedingly penal. Therefore, 'point de mauvaises plaisanteries, point de jeux de main, et point de raillerie piquante'.

But I intended this a sober letter, and therefore, sans raillerie, let me tell you, I have seriously considered all our misfortunes, and can see no end of them but by submitting to that which we cannot avoid, and by yielding to it break the force of a blow which if resisted brings a certain ruin.

Chapter vii. 3. Il ne faut pas se mettre sur la raillerie, quãd il n'est point temps de solastrer. Gardez-vous bien d'éclater en risées, d'y passer les bornes de la bienseance, & de le faire sans un suiet raisonnable, pour suiure l'inclinatiõ qui vous porte

Be upon your guard against quarrels at Paris; honor is extremely nice there, though the asserting of it is exceedingly penal. Therefore, 'point de mauvaises plaisanteries, point de jeux de main, et point de raillerie piquante'.