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In half a day I warrant they kin get all the meat they want: but how are they a-goin' to jirk it in less than three? That's what I want to know." "Es verdad!" says one of the Mexicans, a cibolero; "tres dias, al menos!" "Ay, hombre! an' with a smart chance o' sunshine at that, I guess."

En lo moral, con especial don de Silencio, el ombre mas callado que sea conocido, si bien de singular agudeza en sus dichos, con estremo abstinente i templado, en la comida bevida, i sueño. de mucho secreto, verdad, i fidelidad: puntual en palabra i promessas; compuesto, poco onada risueño.

Tim growlingly vouchsafed a brief explanation of the incident. When José straightened up, his mouth was a hard line and his eyes hot coals. "Si. Es verdad. To-morrow we shall have a new popero." With which he stooped again, grasped the prone man by the hair, dragged him into the moonlit space between the huts, and flung him down. "Juan, bring water!" he ordered.

"Esta un Paraiso!" "En verdad un Paraiso! Even better peopled than the Paradise of old. Mira! cavalleros!" continued he. "Behold! not one Eve, but two! each, I daresay, as beautiful as the mother of mankind!" As the trapper spoke, he pointed to the young girls, who, hand-in-hand, were returning from the stream where they had been performing their ablutions.

The person he addressed, a handsome young Spaniard, with a clear olive complexion, oval face, small brown mustaches, and large black eyes, shuddered at the horrible spectacle, but did as he was requested. When he saw the crown and anchor, and his Majesty's cipher on the appointments of the dead officer, he became convinced of our quality, and changed his tone "Es verdad, son de la marina Englesa.

Pues ninguna cosa de las que entonces declaró es tan pesada como es esto si fuera verdad. X, p. 210: ...este declarante... jamás leyó ningun rabino,... Documentos inéditos, vol.

See! they are driving long stakes into the ground, and stretching ropes from one to the other. For what purpose? We know too well. "Ha! look yonder!" mutters one of the hunters, as this is first noticed; "yonder goes the jerking-line! Now we're caged in airnest, I reckin." "Por todos santos, es verdad!"

Mystic. tr. iv. disp. i. section 11, n. 94, seem also to have preferred "voluntad" to "verdad;" for the words they use are, "nec intellectui lux nec voluntati firmitas;" and, "defectus lucis in intellectu, et firmitatis in voluntate." Ch. xi. section 16. Ch. xiii. section 23. St. Matt. xvi. 24: "Tollat crucem suam et sequatur Me." "Fiel temor." In the previous editions it was filial.

DOÑA MATILDE. Papá, papá, aquí está D. Eduardo. DON PEDRO. ¡Hola! DON EDUARDO. Hum. DOÑA MATILDE. Y ya nos hemos explicado cierto qui pro quo que había ... y ... nos hemos mutuamente satisfecho ... y.... DON EDUARDO. Hum. DOÑA MATILDE. ¿No es verdad, papá, que usted se alegra de ello, y que?... DON EDUARDO. Achí. BRUNO. Dominus tecum.

"En verdad," continued the Mexican, after a pause, "there are many things in the character of your countrywoman to remind me of my lost love even in her looks. Gabriella, like her, was beautiful. Perhaps your comrade yonder might not think her so beautiful as the huntress; but that is natural. In my mind Gabriella was everything.