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Columbus repaired to Paraiso where the King was, and where he was received with great honour. King John might well have been excused if he had felt some mortification at this glorious and successful termination of a project which had been offered to him and which he had rejected; but he evidently behaved with dignity and a good grace, and did everything that he could to help Columbus.

Even grief could not keep away the feeling of exhaustion, and Purvis could hear their deep breathing in the corridor, when, having tethered his horse to a distant paraiso tree, he stole softly up to the door. His boy's room was at the back of the house, and Purvis crept round to it, and called him softly by name.

"Esta un Paraiso!" "En verdad un Paraiso! Even better peopled than the Paradise of old. Mira! cavalleros!" continued he. "Behold! not one Eve, but two! each, I daresay, as beautiful as the mother of mankind!" As the trapper spoke, he pointed to the young girls, who, hand-in-hand, were returning from the stream where they had been performing their ablutions.

This plan contemplated a sea-level canal from Limon Bay to Bohio, where a dam across the valley created a lake extending to Bas Obispo, the difference in level being overcome by two locks; the summit level extended from Bas Obispo to Paraiso, reached by two more locks, and was supplied with water by a feeder from an artificial reservoir created by a dam at Alhajuela, in the upper Chagres Valley.

There the vista ended. For at Paraiso the canal turns to the left for its plunge through Culebra hill, and all that follows, Empire, Cascadas, and far Gatun, was visible only in the imagination. If only the film of time might roll back and there pass again before our eyes all that has come to pass within sight of Ancon hilltop.

The Englishmen thanked him and mounted their horses, while their luggage was put into a rough cart, and they then rode off in the mysterious dawn across the great silent country to the little estancia house amongst the paraiso trees.

Thus we scribbled incessantly on, even through the noon hour, dragging gangs one by one away from their tasks, shaking laborers out of the brief after-lunch siesta in a patch of shade. "The boss" was hampered by having only two languages where ten were needed. In the early afternoon he went on to Paraiso to feed himself and the traction power, while I held the fort.

Demas rushes in and announces the massacre of the innocents, concluding with the appropriate reflection, "Perish the kings! always the murderers of the people." This sentiment is so much to the taste of the gamins of the paraiso that they vociferously demand an encore; but the Roman soldiers come in and commence the pleasing task of prodding the dolls in the arms of the chorus.

I didn't mean to do this, for I know one of Mr. Ford's rules is early rising. I found that out at El Paraiso and yes, yes, please do help me. But tell me, what shall I call you?" "Anita, niña. Anita Mantez I am, from the dear City of the Angels, si. This way, carita, do not fear displeasure. They are all beloved, the fair young things, but you are nearest, dearest, so my Lady tells.

Which may have been near enough the truth of the case, but suggested it was time to quit. So we marked Paraiso "finished except for recalls" and returned to Empire. One by one our fellow-enumerators had dropped by the wayside, some by mutual agreement, some without any agreement whatever.