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"First, because I do not want to marry any man; secondly, because Count Vassilan is a vile person, both in appearance and repute; and thirdly, because my father is only urging this match to serve his own ends.

"We are not talking of a murder, but of a most scandalous abduction, which will provide only one of a number of most serious charges against this person, Curtis," cried the Earl. Vassilan seized him by the arm excitedly. "Don't you understand, dear friend," he muttered in French. "The rascal must have killed de Courtois in order to gain possession of the marriage certificate."

"A patrolman has brought a note for you," he said, handing Steingall a sealed letter, which the detective opened instantly after glancing at the superscription. It was from the police captain, and ran: "Count Vassilan has just left the Waldorf-Astoria in a taxi. Clancy is driving."

"Well, I guess you know best why you and the Hungarian potentate have developed this sudden attack of cold feet, but " "I'll thank you not to interfere, Mr. Devar," said Steingall determinedly. "If Lord Valletort thinks his business can wait till Count Vassilan has recovered from an indisposition, that is his affair only." "I think nothing of the sort," snapped the Earl.

Scientifically, it was perfect, since the blow was delivered at the back of the Count's head with complete disregard of intervening tissues, and its recipient went down like one of those pins which succumbed so regularly to the ball bowled by a colossal fist in the Broadway electric sign. The only difference was that the pin fell noiselessly, whereas Count Vassilan roared like a bull in anguish.

"You all see that the Count is ill, and common humanity impels me to attend to him first. It may serve to curb this young gentleman's tongue if I say " But Vassilan would not permit him to say anything. Though he was the ailing man, he literally dragged Valletort out of the room and into the street. Steingall looked at the police captain, who quitted the apartment instantly.

"Come quickly now, you, and tell our chauffeur where to take us." If Rafferty had dared, he would have given the chauffeur directions likely to lead to further bickering, but the presence of the Earl restrained him, for Valletort, though thin and hawk-nosed, was an aristocrat in every inch, whereas Count Ladislas Vassilan wore the stage aspect of a successful pork-butcher.

"No, but " "Is he, by any chance, a Hungarian?" "Count Vassilan is a Hungarian prince. But the nationality of either of us is unimportant. Are you connected with the New York police?" "Yes," said Steingall. He answered the Earl, but kept that microscopic eye of his fixed on the Count. "Very well, then. I repeat that John D. Curtis must be found and arrested to-night." "Why?"

They really meant to force him into the car, and overpower him. The scheme was to bring him to Market Street and keep him there until " He hesitated. He had given up hope for himself, but he stopped short of introducing other names into prominence. "Until the Switzerland had reached New York, with Count Ladislas Vassilan and the English lord on board." Then Lamotte yielded.

"That car won't be able to move for several minutes; but we must leave nothing to chance," so he sank back into a seat, and permitted the driver to take them whither he listed. Hermione's first words were not exactly those of a fair maid in utmost distress. "Oh, how splendid it must be to feel sure that you are able to hit a wretch like Count Vassilan and knock him flat!" she cried.