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"Yes. We caught the crowd who printed that. Couldn't discover, though, how it got into the regiment's mail bags without being postmarked. Let's see wasn't Ranjoor Singh officer-of-the-day?" "Yes." "Um-m-m! Would it surprise you to know that Ranjoor Singh visits Yasmini?" "Wouldn't interest me." "What follows is in strict confidence, please." "I'm listening." "I want you to hear reason.

"Um-m-m; no, I do not think so," said Lena, all unconscious of Bessie's secret, and looking at her with surprise; for she knew Bessie's ideas about underhand dealings to be as uncompromising as her own.

"Yes, you know Rogue, father's horse, won. They say Sis, the favorite, had the race, but was pulled in the stretch." She was smiling a little. "Indeed?" murmured Garrison, with but indifferent interest. She glanced at him sharply, then fell to pleating the gelding's mane. "Um-m-m," she added softly. "Billy Garrison, you know, rode Sis." "Oh, did he?" "Yes.

"It wasn't our nonsense that affected me, either," he finished. "I believe it was O'Mara himself who . . . but I didn't know that you were acquainted with him, Cal. Have you known him long?" "Um-m-m yes!" Caleb weighed his reply. "Quite some time, I think I might say." He shook with scarcely suppressed laughter, but Allison ignored his senseless mirth.

"Um-m-m!" exclaimed Andy. "You knows how to cook wonderful fine, Doctor!" "'Tis wonderful fine stew!" seconded David. "Not half bad," admitted Doctor Joe, "but Andy had as much to do with it as I, and the porcupine had a good deal to do with it. It was young and fat, and it's tender." There is no pleasanter hour for the camper or voyageur than the evening hour by a blazing camp fire.

Sh-sh-sh Sh -sh-h-h -sh-h-h-h-h-h! Um-m mu -um-m-m sh! March 13th. The last day of my stay with Livingstone has come and gone, and the last night we shall be together is present, and I cannot evade the morrow! I feel as though I would rebel against the fate which drives me away from him. The minutes beat fast, and grow into hours.

He took out his jack-knife and cut the cord. It was a thin paper that he drew forth, and with little writing on it. Soon Judge Little had made himself master of its contents, with an Um-m-m, as he started, and with an A-h-h! when he concluded, and a sucking-in of his thin cheeks. He looked around again, a new brightness in his eyes. But he said nothing. He merely handed the paper to Ollie.

"Um-m-m," muttered Bea, her head again bent over the cardboard, "how horrid! See, isn't this a lovely daisy I'm drawing? They're to be dinner cards for my next spread. This is for your place." "It's sweet. I think you are the most talented girl in the class." Lila stooped for a hug but carefully so as not to interfere with the growth of the silvery petals.

"Dey were a heap o' talk 'bout de Yankees a-givin' ever' Nigger forty acres an' a mule. I don't know how us come to hear 'bout it. It jus' kinda got aroun'. I picked out my mule. All o' us did. "Times were mighty tough. Us thought us knowed trouble endurin' de war. Um-m-m! Us didn' know nothin' 'bout trouble. "Dey were so many slaves at McAllum's, dey had to thin 'em out. Scott close to Scooba.

That's just it." "I don't understand." "No? Um-m-m, of course it is your secret. I am not trying to force a confidence. You have your own reasons for not wishing your uncle and aunt to know. But I never believed that Garrison threw the Carter Handicap. Never, never, never. I I thought you could trust me. That is all." "I don't understand a word not a syllable," said Garrison restlessly.