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Ef Peter ain't to be foun' at eider en', wha is he?" "Um-m-m!" "Eh-h-h!" "You sho spoke a moufful, Jim Pink!" came an assenting chorus from the bales. Eventually such gossip died away and took another flurry when a report went abroad that Tump Pack was carrying a pistol and meant to shoot Peter on sight. Then this in turn ceased to be news and of human interest.

"We our editor our editor," said the judge, fumbling with it as if he found the matter a difficult one to fit to the proper words, "fell into an unfortunate error of judgment a short time ago, with um-m-m somewhat melancholy melancholy " the judge paused, as if feeling of this word to see that it fitted properly, head bent thoughtfully "results.

Did you wish," he finished graciously, "to ask a question?" Chantry made a violent gesture of denial. "Ask a question about a hog like that? God forbid!" "Um-m-m." Havelock seemed to muse within himself.

"Watch him closely, without letting him suspect it." "Before I'd seriously consider orders to do that, they'd have to come through military channels in the regular way," said Kirby, without emotion. "I could arrange that, of course. I'll mention it to Todhunter." "And if the order reached me in the regular way, I'd resign rather than carry it out." "Um-m-m!" said the man in drab silk.

Oh, I say this is a complication. You mean...?" "I mean this," Jeremy answered dryly, because nobody could have helped notice their change of attitude: "I was made prisoner by Arabs and carried off. That's more than three years ago. The war's over. Grim tells me all Australians have been sent home and discharged. What about me?" "Um-m-m! Ah! This will have to be considered.

Shouldn't this be somewhat surprising in the secretary of the administration's foreign minister?" Philip Holland said crisply, "You must have intruded, um-m-m, that is, entered, at the end of a sentence, Baron Haer. We were merely discussing the various methods, down through the ages, that ruling classes have utilized to perpetuate themselves in power." Haer obviously disbelieved him.

That instead of bread and circuses, provided by the Roman patricians to keep the unemployed Roman mob from becoming restive, we give them trank pills and Telly violence." "Um-m-m," Holland nodded, "but that isn't the point I was making right now. What I was thinking was that at first the Roman games were athletic affairs without bloodshed.

"Used that one word." "Um-m-m! No suspicions, eh?" "Said, 'No, no suspicions!" "Uh! I'll have a word with him." He waddled off, shaking his drab silk suit into shape and twisting a leather watch-guard around his finger. "Believe it will come to anything?" asked one of the two men he had left behind. "Dunno. Hope not. Awful business if it does."

Let's see; to whom did you surrender?" "Damn you, I didn't surrender! I met Grim in the desert, and reported to him for duty." "Met Major Grim, eh?" "Yes," said Grim, appearing in the door. "I came across him in the desert; he reported for duty; I gave him an order, and he obeyed it. Everything's regular." "Um-m-m! How'd you make that out regular? Have you any proof he wasn't a deserter?

"You are right, Average," he said. "The same man had reserved rooms at the Nederstrom for Telfik Bey." "What's the location?" "Tenth floor; north side. He had insisted on both details. Nos. 1015, 1017." "What neighbors?" "Bond salesman on one side, Reverend and Mrs. Salisbury, of Wilmington, on the other." "Um-m-m. What across the street?" "How should I know? You didn't tell me to ask."