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I could even prove " "Lancaster is unwell " "My disclosures might make him feel better eh?" Bullard felt himself being cornered. He reflected for a moment; then "How are you going to satisfy me that the papers you say you hold are the originals?" "I'm afraid you must take my word for it." "Your word ugh! Will you bring them here at nine o'clock to-night?"

'The best of magnets won't draw lead, said Ralston, and at the time Paul was puzzled by the phrase, but he blushed with pleasure when he recalled it later on. 'And Browning? 'Ugh! said Paul. 'Ah, well, that's natural. But, mind you, Mr. Armstrong, in a year or two you'll feel humiliated to think of your present position. They talked, marching up and down the platform, until the train came.

She controlled with an effort her tendency to laugh, but still wept with the profusion of exhaustion and nervous tension. Willinawaugh's eyes were fixed on her with deep displeasure. "Ugh!" he grunted from time to time. "Ugh!" "Oh, there's bloody murder here, if one could but chance upon the carpse," said the corporal to himself, looking bewildered from her to the boy.

"Why, because your sister is to have a good husband; at least people speak highly of him." "Ugh!" "And because well, Mr. Pepper, you have been quite confidential with me; we have shared secrets, you know; and I thought possibly the new arrangement might make it a bit more pleasant for you." "Pleasant? How?" "I suppose Mr.

Him that used to blow 'bout th' wonderful jobs he'd got th' pick of when he was 'time-ex. All he got was 'reeve' of some little shi-poke burg down south. Hooshomin its real name, but they mostly call it Hootch thereabouts. A rotten little dump of 'bout fifty inhabitants. They're drunk half th' time an' wear each other's clothes. Ugh! filthy beggars! . . . He's back on th' Force again.

"Some rocks," she whispered, "but not 'The Ghoul." "The Ghoul," I repeated with a shudder. "Ugh! what a name. Who on earth saddled it with such a horrible name?" "Nobody on earth. Guess it must have been the devil in hell, for it's a friend of his." Her face grew pale and a nameless horror crept into her eyes. "It ain't nice to look on now, is it?" "No!" I granted.

'Member when we used to think it a treat to turn out of our beds on a Sunday morning thermometer fifty-seven degrees if it was summer and bathe off the Pebbleridge? Ugh!" "'Thing I don't understand," said Tertius, "was the way we chaps used to go down into the lavatories, boil ourselves pink, and then come up with all our pores open into a young snow-storm or a black frost.

"Sahib, it is! These damned new cartridges and this new drill-sahib, I I who am loyal to the marrow of my bones would no more touch those cartridges nor bite them, as the drill decrees than I would betray thee! Pig's fat! Ugh!" He spat with Mohammedan eloquence and wiped his lips on his tunic sleeve before resuming.

"Not a very easy thing to do," said Uncle Dan, setting down his glass of claret, with a wry face. He felt sure that the wine had been kept on ice. Ugh! "Have you known her a long time?" "Yes, Polly; since before you were born." "What an age!" cried May. "And you never told us a word about her!"

I have something to ask you," I said, eating my dinner and supper together with all the relish of a hungry boy who has been skating in the cold for half a day. "I found this feather, grandmother, and I could not make out what tribe wear feathers in that shape." "Ugh, I am not a man; you had better ask your uncle. Besides, you should know it yourself by this time.