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Hist. de l'Amerique Septentrionale, III. 32. He adds: "Les Francois ont avoue eux-memes qu'ils etoient nez pour la guerre, & quelques maux qu'ils nous ayent faits nous les avons toujours estimez." Ibid., 2. Unlike the Hurons, they required an entire unanimity in their decisions.

I'll have you as lissom as an Indian." He cracked his fingers one after the other in quick succession and rose. A moment he stood looking down at the smooth face that had flushed unwontedly at his words; then bending, he lightly tapped his patient's chest. "Meanwhile, my friend," he said, "you keep a stiff upper lip, and cherchez la femme cherchez la femme toujours!

With the exception of bayoneting some 500 poor wretches who could not defend themselves, taking a few hundred prisoners who are rather an embarrassment to them, and capturing a few cannon which they don't themselves want and which the Insurgents can easily replace, the Government has done nothing this week. In the words of the old peasant woman, C'est toujours la même répétition. MAY 7th.

"If you will warrant the beer, I will warrant the throat," said John composedly. "Close up the ranks!" cried Aylward. "En avant, mes enfants! Ah, by my finger bones, there is my sweet Mary from the Priory Mill! Ma foi, but she is beautiful! Adieu, Mary ma cherie! Mon coeur est toujours a toi. Brace your belt, Watkins, man, and swing your shoulders as a free companion should.

Her eyes almost turned up into her head with horror; she could only gasp, "Mais si quelqu'un ouvrait la porte?" "Mais je la ferme toujours

Castle Rackrent. Il y a des nations dont l'une semble faite pour etre soumise a l'autre. Les Anglois ont toujours eu sur les Irlandois la superiorite du genie, des richesses, et des armes. La superiorite que les blancs ont sur les noirs. "On lisait dans les premieres editions, la superiorite que les blancs ont sur les negres. M. de Voltaire effaca cette expression injurieuse.

I did not write much yesterday, not above two pages and a half. I have begun Boney, though, and c'est toujours quelque chose. This morning I sent off proofs and manuscript. Had a letter from the famous Denis Davidoff, the Black Captain, whose abilities as a partisan were so much distinguished during the retreat from Moscow. If I can but wheedle him out of a few anecdotes, it would be a great haul.

Said I not, you ill-omened bird, said I not, 'Il y a toujours un Dieu pour les enfans et pour les ivrognes'? So you came down with Thorne to ease the poor little fellow's mind, did you, Buckhurst? That's right, and you shall see the picture, by Jove! And you'll say, when you see it, that such a picture were cheap at the cost of duckings for a dozen Buckhursts.

'La mer a toujours son écume pour habiller ses déesses, replied Milord; and he got into his carriage amid pearly peals of laughter from Mrs. Barton, intermingled with a few high notes from Olive, who had already taken to mimicking her mother. Mr. Barton, or Arthur, as he was usually called, always returned to his studio immediately after breakfast, and, as Mrs.

Jeff was satisfied. At this point they parted, Jeff and Gaspe Toujours remaining, and Hume and his two followers going on towards Manitou Mountain. There seemed little probability that Clive Lepage would be found.