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I could just tall you how many brave tings he did; how he lash de bowsprit of de enemy to his own mainmast, and neber let her go till he took her, and den was shot through de heart in de hour of victory. Well, de gen'ral say to us `Now, boys, we don't want firing, but just let de enemy feel de cold steel. Dey don't like dat. Soldiers, use bagonets.

"Me said so, sir!" exclaimed Joe; "me tell Monsieur Sangnette so; dem French cooks, debilish fond of souring deir tings. Me nebber widout um stomick ache; d de feller!" and Joe hurried out of the room, before his anger had cooled, to inform M. Sangnette how dissatisfied we were with the dinner, and what torture, similar to his own, we should soon undergo.

"Your sign said advances made." "Vich vun?" "The one in the window, or I would not have troubled you." "Vell, dot means anyting you please. Sometimes I get olt granfadder vatches dot vay, and olt Sheffield plate and tings vich olt families sell vhen everybody is gone dead. Vy do you vant to give dis away? I vouldn't, if I vas you. You don't look like a man vot is broke. I vill put back de bottles.

She was not a "St. Paul," that was certain. The colored cook soon entered. His apologies were profuse. "Hope de ladies will 'scuze de state ob dis year room, but I'se done been mighty busy today, and will hab tings fine tomorer." "That's all right, Jim, if you only give us a good dinner tomorrow. Can you do it?" asked Mr.

I always say, "When I get de fowls, and de turkeys, and de ham, and de oder tings to put in it. But I make you some lobscouse in de mean time," I say. And so I did; and he and de mates say dey nebber taste such good lobscouse in dere lives. "Ah! not equal to de sea-pie I make some day or oder," I answer; for I know as long as I promise de sea-pie dey not kill me.

"Have you fixed upon any plan?" "No special plan, sah, but I have brought a bag; you see I have him in my hand." "I suppose that's what you carried the clothes in?" "No, sir; I carried dem in a bundle. Dis bag has got linen, and boots, and oder tings for you, sah. What I tink am de best way dis. Dar am a train pass trou here at two o'clock and stop at dis station. Some people always get out.

"Don't talk about deficiencies," Mr. Goodenough answered smiling. "All this is, indeed, astonishing to us here." "You berry good to say dat, sar, but dis chile know how tings ought to be done. Me libed in good Melican family. He know berry well how tings ought to be done." "Ah, you have traveled a good deal!" Mr. Goodenough said. "Yes, sar, me trabel great deal. Me lib in Cuba long time.

Dey is down dare in de ole ship and fire'en sticks and poke-en guns; an' oh Lord, I fear dey is all dead now!" Her excitement could no longer be contained, but broke forth in cries and ejaculations: "Oh! oh! oh! marssaful Hebbens! Oh de Lord, please top de yun' gem'men! Massa Clare, Massa Capting, ar'n't yous gwine? Ar'n't yous gwine afore dey is done dead? Dat dis ole woman mus' see such tings!"

Now, if you sit on de deck, you put de tings in one corner and you sit round dem, and when dey jump up you catch dem and put dem back, and tell dem to stop till you want to eat dem." Nub's graphic description of the effects likely to be produced by the storm induced Alice and Walter to agree to his proposal, and they partook of their meal in a corner of the cabin.

Like enough he take his tings in hand-truck to station. You like to see him, sah?" "Yes, I should like to have a minute's talk with him. Here is your dollar." The waiter rang a bell, and a minute later the outdoor porter presented himself. "You remember taking some tings to station for a tall man wid gray goatee, Pomp?" the waiter asked. "It was more dan tree weeks ago.