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"Du calme! Du calme! Ne tirez pas trop vite, ménagez vos cartouches! Tenez ferme, mes enfants!" said an old officer, dismounting and walking coolly out beyond the line of trees. "Oui! oui! comptez sur nous! Vive le Colonel!" shouted the soldiers, shaking their chassepots in the air.

She paused, as if to let this impress itself upon me, and added archly, "Tenez, Monsieur, there is a daughter " She stopped abruptly. I followed her glance, and my first impression of claret-color gave me a shock.

Also whenever we wanted to speak in Russian, she would say, "Parlez, donc, francais," as though on purpose to annoy us, while, if there was any particularly nice dish at luncheon which we wished to enjoy in peace, she would keep on ejaculating, "Mangez, donc, avec du pain!" or, "Comment est-ce que vous tenez votre fourchette?" "What has SHE got to do with us?" I used to think to myself.

Now he had in his pocket a letter from Peggy, received that morning, beginning "My dearest Marmaduke." Peggy seemed far away, and the name still farther. He was deliberating whether he should say "Appelez-moi James" or "Appelez-moi Jacques," and inclining to the latter as being more picturesque and intimate, when she went on: "Tenez, what is it your comrades call you? 'Doggie'?" "Say that again."

Rose, who, in mute attention, held the light and assiduously presented pins. "Not your pin so fast one after de other Miss Rose Tenez! tenez!" cried mademoiselle. "You tink in England alway too much of your pin in your dress, too little of our taste too little of our elegance, too much of your what you call tidiness, or God know what!

"Now," said she, "let us make a Miranda of thee. This is our cave. I will be Prince Ferdinand. Burr told me all about that, he reads beautifully, and explained it all to me. What a lovely story that is! you must be so happy, who know how to read Shakspeare without learning! Tenez! I will put this shell on your forehead, it has a hole here, and I will pass this gold chain through, now!

"Tenez, mon ami!" he cried, squeezing my hand, as he looked round at the corvette, now less than a league distant. "You are vat you Anglais call 'good fellow. J'admire votre esprit! You have escape admirablement, and I shall have vifs regrets now to 'ave opportunité to cultiver votre connaissance. Mais, I most laafs, mille pardons, you

"Tenez, prince," the Duc d'Aumale wrote to Prince Napoleon-Jérôme in a pamphlet which was once famous, "there is one promise of a Bonaparte which we can always believe the promise that he will kill somebody." One pledge of a Bourbon with another Bourbon the world could always rely upon the pledge to maintain a common interest and gratify a common ambition.

Je les ai invitees a diner chez vous ce soir: vous nous menerez a l'opera, et nous ferons une petite partie d'ecarte. Tenez vous bien, M. Gobard! ces dames ont des projets sur vous!" Happy Gobard! happy system, which can thus bring the pure and loving together, and acts as the best ally of Hymen! The announcement of the rank and titles of Madame de St.

'Madame, said Eustacie, gravely, 'I shall never turn any one's head. There was only one who was obliged to love me, and happily I am nor fair enough to win any one else. 'Tenez, child. Is this true simplicity? Did Gardon, truly, never tell you of poor Samuel Mace?