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Tenez; you have no idea yet of the superstitions of these people, or the difficulties that lie in the way of fathoming them. Come this way to my aviary; I will show you something that will help you to realize the complexities of the situation."

"Any books you may want please take from my sitting-room, number sixteen in this corridor. Tenez! I have an English book there 'The Light that Failed' I will get it for you." "Oh! I have read ... But thank you." "De rien, de rien! I will get it now." He hastened up the corridor and returned with the book in his hand.

Tremessan has only three, being Tremessan, Tenez, and Elgazair; all the inhabitants of all these regions being Mahometans. But all the regions of Guinea are peopled by Gentiles and idolaters, having no religion or knowledge of God except from the law of nature.

His dark eyes pierced like a sword-thrust; his lips moved; and though no sound came, Jacques knew the words they framed. "Tenez foi! Keep the faith that I brought across the sea, leaving for it fair fields and vineyards, castle and tower and town.

And if you can't, nobody else can...." There was a spurt of life from the engine as it back-fired, and Stewart sprang away holding her wrist with the other hand. The lieutenant, the brigadier, and a driver from a car near by crowded round her with exclamations. "You advanced the spark too much," said the driver to the brigadier. "Tenez! I will retard it."

"Ah!" he said, with a deep breath. "But how it was good, monsieur!" He glanced downwards, discovered himself to be sitting in a chintz-covered chair, and blundered hastily to his feet. "Tenez!" he exclaimed almost incoherently. "But how I forget! See, I have I have " He groped out before him suddenly, words failing him, and only Mordaunt's promptitude spared him a headlong fall.

But, tenez, as the Comtesse of Z would say, I can exactly illustrate the position and attitude of the two of them from a recollection of my childhood. I remember that in one of my nursery books of forty years ago there was a picture entitled "The Lady in Love With A Swine."

The monkey now and then munched an apple, which was given to him from a basket by the blacks, who gazed with stupid wonder, and an exclamatory La! La! upon the passing scenery, or chattered to each other in a sort of open-mouthed, half-articulate, monotonous, singsong jargon. The man looked seldom either on this side or that; and spoke only to rebuke the frolics of the monkey, with a "Tenez!

You are to tell him that if he expects one from' see, I took the name down on a scrap of paper, and stuck it in a wine-glass here 'from Miss Flora Gilchrist, he will do well to wait in Paris until a friend finds means to deliver it by hand. And if he asks more about me, say that I am from' tenez, I wrote the second name underneath yes, that is it 'Mr. Romaine."

Tenez, compere," he added, in most villainous French, "voila mon affaire; voila ce que je viens vous dire." Thereupon he glared at me for a moment, nodded his head twice, and replacing his staff beneath is cloak, shambled out of the room, and with a valedictory sneeze in the passage left the house. Precisely at eleven on the following day, I attended at the office of the corregidor.