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Karnes also sat down on the grass, lighted his own pipe and smoked with equal deliberation. Each man rested his rifle across his knees. "Looks bad," said Smith. "Powerful bad." "Almighty bad." "Talkin's no good when the enemy's shootin'." "Reckon there's nothin' left for us but this," tapping the barrel of his rifle significantly. "Only tool that's left for us to use."

She is a poor thing whose husband and two sons were "ketched" last year, as they say, by these dreadful seas, and some think that her brain is a little affected. "I mistrust as they is times when th' Lord 'Un's kept too busy ter be tendin' ter all as needs Him bad," she cried. "Hush, woman!" an old man reproved her. "Ye'll be temptin' the wrath o' God on all of us wid sich talkin's."

I do'no's I should ha' remembered it, only 't I hed the dredfullest jumpin' toothache that ever you did, 'n' Miss Lucas, she'd jest come in to our house, an' she run an' got the lodlum an' was a-puttin' some on't onto some cotton so's to plug the hole, while she was tellin'; 'n' I remember I forgot all about the jumpin' while 't she was talkin', so I ses, ses I, 'Miss Lucas, I guess your talkin's as good as lodlum'; 'n' she bu'st out larfin', 'n' ses she, 'Polly Mariner, I declare for't, you do beat all! 'Well, ses I, 'I'd die content, ef I could beat John Boynton; fur ef ever I see a feller payin' attention to a gal, he's been payin' on't to Lizzy Gris'ld this four year; and 'ta'n't no wonder 't I think hard on't, for there never was a prettier-behaved gal than her on Greenfield Hill'; an' I ses"

I don't want to turn you agin Nat Turner he's a man an' he's got a mother, an' that's all I've got agin him. No talkin's goin' to turn anybody that's got their mind set on marryin', any more than it's goin' to turn anybody that's got their mind set on drink. So I ain't goin' to open my mouth." Here Amos Burr appeared, and as he seated himself beside Nannie she drew her ruffles away.

I had you in my eye these three years, but was waitin' till I'd get together as much money as ud' set us up in the world dacently. Give me that egg-shell agin. Talkin's dhruthy work. Shudorth, a rogarah! "Wait till we're married first, Phelim; thin it'll be time enough to dhrink that." "Come, acushla, it's your turn now; taste the shell, an' you'll see how lovin' it'll make us.

I want to have a talk." "Das what I's allers wantin', Massa Nadgel; talkin's my strong point if I hab a strong point at all." They went together to the edge of a cliff on the hill-top, whence they could see an almost illimitable stretch of tropical wilderness bathed in a glorious flood of moonlight, and sat down.

Hamilton, judging by the behavior of the company that there was a joke somewhere on the premises, smiled too. "You mustn't mind Uncle Shad, Mr. Keith," said Mary. "He talks a great deal." "Talkin's all the exercise my face gets nowadays," declared the Captain instantly. "She keeps me so busy I don't get time to eat. What do you think of the store, Mr. Keith? Some improvement, ain't it?"

"You are certainly very fortunate," answered Ann, "for the slave that has never been on the block can never know the full bitterness of slavery." "Wy, yer talkin' same ez white folks," said Uncle Bob. "Whar yer git all dem fine talkin's fum? ain't you er nigger same ez me?"

I want to have a talk." "Das what I's allers wantin', Massa Nadgel; talkin's my strong point, if I hab a strong point at all." They went together to the edge of a cliff on the hill-top, whence they could see an almost illimitable stretch of tropical wilderness bathed in a glorious flood of moonlight, and sat down.