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Thin a big rain-storm come, an' they was no tents to protect thim; an' they set aroun', shiverin' an' swearin'. Me uncle Mike was a bit iv a politician; an' he organized a meetin' iv th' lads that had come over with him, an' sint a comity to wait on th' major gin'ral.

"The non-coms tuk Peg Barney a howlin' handful he was an' in three minuts he was pegged out chin down, tight-dhrawn on his stummick, a tent-peg to each arm an' leg, swearin' fit to turn a naygur white. "I tuk a peg an' jammed ut into his ugly jaw.

And the result was that she and her niece, and a lot of poor whites, Irish and Scotch, that she had to pick up ''long the river, do all the work. And her niece Sally was mo' than half Union woman during the wah, and up to all No'th'n tricks and dodges, and swearin' by them; and yet, for all that the thing won't work." "But isn't that partly the reason?

No one of the Aladdin company could forget that tune. "Yes, he played 'Patsy. Go on, Dick." "Finally," said Dick Four, "we drove both mobs into each other's arms on a bit of level ground at the head of the valley, and saw the whole crew whirl off, fightin' and stabbin' and swearin' in a blindin' snow-storm. They were a heavy, hairy lot, and we didn't follow 'em.

And the fight was given to Ruddy Hedgpeth; and when it was, Jack got up and picked up a club and started for Ruddy to kill him. So all the men pitched on to Jack and began to hold him; and Jack was bloody and was swearin' and sayin' he had been tricked and that he could lick Ruddy with one hand in a fair fight.

I'll tell you what he says that for: because he wants it fairly shared, and the men that go down to the sea in ships to have a bit of it." "Now you needn't repeat Scripture after you've been swearin' see hard," interposed Captain Cowan. "No, sir, I'm not using Scripture.

"I guess there ain't a mean thing about Andy that I don't know, and he the same about me. I should feel kind o' lonesome nights not to hev his boat to look after and know, like as not, in the mornin' he'll come down, cussin' and swearin' 'cause she wa'n't fixed jest right." He peered into the kettle on the stove. "'Most empty."

The girl spots him, an' screams his name Count Vaseline it sounded like an' he shouts, 'Here we are, Valtaw' p'raps that was his way of sayin' Walter 'Got 'em, by You see after Hermione. I'll fix this Frenchman?" "Don't swear, George," remonstrated the driver's better half. "I'm not swearin'. Ain't I tellin' you what he said?" The point was waived. "And the lady's name was Hermione, was it?

Bromfield's valet stepped into the room. "Mr. and Miss Whitford to see you, sir." Annie Millikan nodded her wise little head. "Jerry's gonna frame him if he can. He's laid the wires for it. That's a lead pipe." "Sure," agreed Muldoon. "I'll bet he's been busy all night fixin' up his story. Some poor divvies he'll bully-rag into swearin' lies an' others he'll buy.

'Fer one thing, he said, deliberately, 'nobody'll die there, 'less he'd ought to; don't believe there's goin' t' be any need o' swearin' er quarrellin'. To my way o' thinkin' it'll be a good deal like Dave Brower's farm nice, smooth land and no stun on it, an' hills an' valleys an' white clover aplenty, an' wheat an' corn higher'n a man's head.