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Well I mind him, that I do, comin' by this very street to school; ay, an' he minds me too, I warrant. "I see him now, I do, skippin' along street fresh an' nimblelike, his eyne chock full o' mischief lookin' round fur to see some poor soul to play a prank on. It do feel strange-like to have him a-sittin' by my elbow today.

Vedder," and she proceeded to tell him of Derry and her engagement at his studio. "It kinder seems as if I b'longed to the theayter, and you've been so orful kind to me, Mr. Vedder, that it'll seem strange-like not to be here, but Mr. Phillips's work'll be a snap fer me."

"Me and the roan just squatted down under a bank till the wind was over; then we made tracks for the ranch house ahead of the rain. Get soaked? Well, I should say! But somehow I didn't care to stay around where that blame black Satan disappeared hisself so strange-like. No, sir." "Tom, I think you have been stringing the long bow," declared Rhoda, shaking her head.

My poor mistress has been fretting night and day over it. Whatever is she to do?" "Trust herself to me," said Bernard valiantly. Dolly laughed. "Why, you ain't sixteen, Mr Bernard, and not done with your schooling. But, as parson said, so strange-like, on Sunday, for his text `the only son of his mother and she was a widow' you're all she has left."

I wuz too big a coward to stay 'nd help his mother to bear up; so I went out-doors 'nd brung in wood, brung in wood enough to last all spring, and then I sat down alone by the kitchen fire 'nd heard the clock tick 'nd watched the shadders flicker through the room. I remember Lizzie's comin' to me and sayin': "He's breathin' strange-like, 'nd his little feet is cold as ice."

It's a strange-like idea to have fish at a picnic!" With a better grace than might have been expected he resigned himself to his fate, and the smile which he sent round the table was very charming in its shy cordiality. "I shall be delighted if you will honour me by coming so far; and no doubt with Mrs McNab's help I shall be able to provide refreshments. Shall we say half-past four?"

"Hold on, and I'll strike a light," said the second speaker. "I brought a lantern along, but I didn't light up. I kem out afore sundown, and you know how it allers is up yer. I didn't want it, and didn't keer to light up. I forgot you're always a little dazed and strange-like when you first come up."

I will be at the great door." "It's strange-like," said McTavish, as we went to the upper gate. "He has not asked me inside for near five years. I'm feared his wits is disordered, by his way of speaking. Mind what you say. Great Godfrey was most like a god to Angus." When Angus McNeil met us at the front door I saw he was verily a giant.

"But, my dear, it seems strange-like, and not quite right for you to be setting your face against what is plainly ordained as woman's lot. It is no' ay an easy or a pleasant one, as many a poor woman kens to her sorrow; but " "But, Janet, you are mistaken. I am not setting my face against anything; but why should you blame me for what I canna help?

Sandy, man, it must seem a strange-like thing to the folk in the village to see you carrying the child that way on your horse before you you that have wagons of one kind or another, and plenty of them, at your disposal. Is it safe for the bairn, think you? Do you like that way of riding, my wee Rosie?" "Yes, gamma, I 'ike it," lisped the two years old Rosie, smiling brightly.