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Updated: August 7, 2024

She nodded to the door behind the bar and the splinters sticking through its panel. "Gosh all whimey!" he exclaimed; "who done that?" "You done it, Freme; you was crazy drunk. There warn't none of 'em could handle you 'cept me, I tell ye. I spoke to ye and ye come 'long with me back inter the kitchen and set there lookin' at me strange-like for most an hour.

"Well, of course it ain't an ... er ... exactly easy thing to cure, but I reckon she'll get well of it. By the way, Amos, how long has she been a-goin' on like that?" "I kaint rightly say, doctor. She hes acted kind er strange-like fer quite er spell, now thet I comes ter think on hit; but I didn't pay no pertickler attention to hit ontil er day er two back," answered the man contritely.

"Can you keep her in sight?" "So far we seem to be holding our own." "Good! I'd go on deck and help ye, but I feel kind o' strange-like in the legs." "Better keep quiet for the present. We may need you later on." "Got any firearms on board?" "Yes, a gun and two pistols." "Ye may want 'em afore ye git through with that crowd. They are bad ones." "We know them thoroughly, Mr. Peterson.

He's gauin' to lea' us a', an' gang hame till 's ain, an' I canna bide 'at he sud grow strange-like to hiz 'at ha'e kenned him sae lang." I mayna aye be able to du jist what ye wad like; but lippen ye to me: I s' be fair to ye. An' noo I want Blue Peter to gang wi' me, an' help me to what I ha'e to du gien ye ha'e nae objection to lat him."

"If you don't know, I'm afraid we can't tell you," said Gerald politely. "Have I been talking very strange-like?" he asked, taking off his hat and passing his hand over his forehead. "Very," said Mabel. "I hope I haven't said anything that wasn't good manners," he said anxiously. "Not at all," said Kathleen. "You only said your fiancee had hold of your hand, and that you couldn't see her."

I trust you are pleased with your glimpse of the life beneath the surface of our sea." "I am," answered Trot, looking admiringly at the beautiful face of the queen. "It's all mighty cur'ous an' strange-like," said the sailor slowly. "I'd no idee you mermaids were like this, at all!"

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