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Updated: January 17, 2025
"The peacocky one oh, yes, Daddy." Jean danced back to the telephone. Derry was delighted to include Miss Bridges. "Bring a dozen if you wish." "I don't want a dozen. I want just Daddy and Emily." "And me?" "Of course silly " Laughter singing along the wire. "May I come now?" "I have to change my dress." "In an hour, then?" "Yes." "I can't really believe that we are going together!" "Together "
And Derry had written on his card, "The heather because of you the roses because of the day " There were two hours on her hands before church. She could dress in one the intervening time must be filled. Her memory books were great fat volumes kept on a shelf by themselves, and forming a record of everything that had happened to her since her first day at boarding school.
Why had Drusilla chosen that of all songs? Oh, why had she sung at all? A maid came in to say that Mr. Drake was wanted at the telephone. The message was from Dr. McKenzie. The General was much worse. It might be well for Derry to come home.
Another, at whose head was Tyrconnell, endeavoured to dissuade his Majesty from this course, but he at length decided in favour of the plan of Melfort and his friends. Accordingly, he marched out of Dublin, amid torrents of April rain, on the eighth of that month, intending to form a junction with Hamilton, at Strabane, and thence to advance to Derry.
For there was always this to remember, that if the world was no longer a radiant and shining world, if the day's task was hard, and if now and then in the middle of the night she wept tears of loneliness, if there were heavy things to bear, and hard things and sad things, one fact shone brilliantly above all others, Derry was as wonderful as ever!
Derry found himself following, found himself straining his ear for that light laugh, found himself wishing that it were he who walked beside her, that her hand was tucked into his arm as it was tucked into her father's. Their destination was a brilliantly illumined palace on F Street, once a choice little playhouse, now given over to screen productions.
It hung in a sky that shimmered from horizon to horizon. Against this shimmering background the college buildings were etched in black there was a glint of gold as the light caught the icicles and made candles of them. In the months to come that same moon was to sail over the cantonment where Derry slept heavily after hard days.
Some of the most glorious chapters connected with our national struggle have been associated with Ulster aye, and with the Protestants of Ulster and I declare here to-day, as a Catholic Irishman, notwithstanding all the bitterness of the past, that I am as proud of Derry as of Limerick.
Drusilla, sitting on the doorstep of the stone house, saw a tall figure striding down the street. He stopped to speak to an old woman and doffed his hat, showing a clipped silver-blond head. Drusilla went flying through the dusk. "Derry, Derry!" He stared and stared again. "Is it you?" he asked. Nothing was vivid now about Drusilla except her hair. "Yes." He took her hands in his. "My dear girl."
I've always liked people but it was as if some evil thing had swooped down on the old house." The lad saw straight! That was the thought which suddenly illumined Dr. McKenzie's troubled mind. Hilda was not beautiful. So beauty of body could offset the ugliness of her distorted soul. "And so I am poor," Derry was saying, heavily, "and I must wait to marry Jean."
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