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Tiny clashes of shell and crockery sounded with the terrible clearness of noises heard in the night. Each person avoided the eyes of the others. And both Constance and Sophia kept straightening their bodies at intervals, and expanding their chests, and then looking at their plates; occasionally a prim cough was discharged.

But then the woes of the Russian people were quite unknown to Cousin Sophia, while this aggravating, optimistic Susan was an ever-present thorn in her side. Just at that moment Shirley was sitting on the edge of the table in the living-room, swinging his legs a brown, ruddy, wholesome lad, from top to toe, every inch of him and saying coolly, "Mother and dad, I was eighteen last Monday.

"Indeed, ma'am," cries Honour, "I wish your la'ship and I could change situations; that is, I mean without hurting your la'ship; for to be sure I don't wish you so bad as to be a servant; but because that if so be it was my case, I should find no manner of difficulty in it; for, in my poor opinion, young Squire Blifil is a charming, sweet, handsome man." "Don't mention such stuff," cries Sophia.

But if the man had stayed, what would have been the effect on the double? Malling sat till deep in the night pondering these things. Lady Sophia had said to Malling that if he went to the two services at St. Joseph's on the Sunday she would invite him to see her again. She was as good as her word.

Martyn was only too fond of his company, and he made no secret of his contempt for the insufferable dulness of the country, enlivening it by various acts of monkey-mischief, in some of which Martyn had been implicated. That very afternoon, as Mrs. Sophia Selby was walking home in the twilight from Chapman's lodge, in company with Mr.

"Because I've half a notion there's a chap waiting for her at home." "At home?" "In England." The need for a confidant was suddenly imperative upon the younger man. "She's an English girl half English, that is; her mother was an American, a schoolmate of Quain's wife; her father, an Englishman in the Indian service." "Her name?" "Sophia Farrell."

'What makes you suppose, she observed after a brief silence, 'that no woman ever loved your friend? 'Because I know it, know it for a fact. Sophia Nikolaevna seemed about to say something, but she stopped. She seemed to be struggling with herself.

Miss Amelia Wilhelmina Cranley, the most pious of her sex, the flower of Mr. Whitfield's converts, the wonder and admiration of Roger the cobler, has given up the ghost. You will please then, in what follows, to represent to yourselves the charms of Sophia as decked and burnished with a suit of sables.

Elnora Babcock of New York was in charge of the press bureau. Miss Anthony was enrolled as a member of the Knights of Labor and invited this organization to send delegates to the International Council of Women in 1888. To Ellen Wright Garrison, 1900, Sophia Smith Collection, Smith College. Harper, Anthony, III, p. 1137.

Her voice made him feel just as sorry for himself as she was sorry for him; it made him feel that she had a kind heart, and that a kind heart was the only thing on earth that really mattered. Ah! If Lady Sophia Entwistle had spoken to him in such accents...! The bill came. It was so small that he was ashamed to pay it.