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Of all the lads who've gone out to play There's some'll return and some who'll stay; There's some will be back 'most any day But some won't wake up in the morning. I'm continuing in America the book which I thought out during the golden July and August days when I lay in the hospital in London.

Widow Thrale asked this first, so the others only thought it. "Where would he have been, Mrs. Thrale, but for the accident? Accident you may call it! A rare bit o' luck some'll think! Why who would the young gentleman have got for a wife, if nobody had shot him? Answer me that! Some girl, I suppose!" Yes, indeed! To marry Gwen o' the Towers! But how about the poor gentleman's eyesight?

"They du say Swan Day's gun off for good!" said Cely Temple, as she returned from the store, with a Dutch-oven in her hand, which she had purchased, "an' to th' East Injees!" "I want to know!" rejoined Mrs. Fox. "I know some'll be sorry!" continued Cely, while Dorcas diligently stirred a five-pail kettle of apple-sauce, that hung stewing over the low fire. Mrs.

"You'd better leave a Cape man to tell that tale. The Ca'houns was gypsies frum 'way back." "Wal, I don't profess to be any elocutionist," Salters said. "I'm comin' to the moral o' things. That's jest abaout what aour Harve be! Ha'af on the taown, an' t'other ha'af blame fool; an' there's some'll believe he's a rich man. Yah!"

They suffocate me waiting for the moment when But I've made my will, and some'll be disappointed. Oh, I shall leave them Melcourt-le-Danois. It's mine. I bought it with my own money, after my husband's death, and restored it when the Hamlet and Tecla paid so well. It shall not go out of their family for my husband's sake. But," she added, fiercely, "neither shall the money go out of mine.

"It's not what they care fer, laddie; but, what's yer dooty? It's Christmas Day, an' it'll remind us of old times. Some'll like it, an' some won't. But yer Orders, as fer as I kin understand, is 'to preach the Gospel, an' here's an opportunity. They'll come, never ye fear that." "I'll have to hold the service just as I am," said Keith apologetically.

Blessed Marster! some run wild eh some go stray, some go hether en some go yan'; but all un um mus' go befo' dy mercy-seat in de een'. Some'll fetch big works, en some'll fetch great deeds, but po' ole Manuel won't fetch nothiu' but one weak, sinful heart. Dear, blessed Marster! look in dat heart en see w'at in dar.

I need only think of Mr. Masefield, who has put these manly words in the mouth of his pirate mate: Oh some are fond of Spanish wine, and some are fond of French, And some'll swallow tea and stuff fit only for a wench, But I'm for right Jamaica till I roll beneath the bench!

Shorthouse gasped. "You gave me a lot for my money," he growled. "Waal, it aren't my show," she drawled. "I'm no spirit medium. You take chances. Some'll sleep right along and never hear nothin'. Others, like yourself, are different and get the whole thing." "Who's the old gentleman? does he hear it?" asked Jim. "There's no old gentleman at all," she answered coolly.

Almost everything now done by hand'll be done by machinery. Some'll grow rich and some poor. The thing is to get educated, yes, sir, that's the thing, to get ready for what's coming. It's the only way. The younger generation has got to be sharper and shrewder." The words of the old man, who had been in many places and had seen men and cities, were repeated in the streets of Bidwell.