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"I LAY yo' ma got comp'ny," said Uncle Remus, as the little boy entered the old man's door with a huge piece of mince-pie in his hand, 'en ef she ain't got comp'ny, den she done gone en drap de cubberd key som'ers whar you done run up wid it." "Well, I saw the pie lying there, Uncle Remus, and I just thought I'd fetch it out to you."

Doggoned thirsty bunch out here won't stir a foot till they sample that wine! Got to get rid of 'em somehow they claim to be full uh business as a jack rabbit is of fleas! When yuh want to git out and round up them cows? Wagon's over on Dry creek som'ers or ought to be. Yuh might take your soogans and ride ove' there tomorrow or next day and ketch 'em.

"And you and 'Kit' you and Duke Jabe, leave you alone to run a fair wouldn't have northin' but his new exhibition hall filled with croshayed tidies and hooked rugs." "Well, I move," broke in Trustee Dunham, "that we git som'ers. I'm personally in favor of pleasin' Honer'ble Bickford and takin' the exhibition hall." "That's right!

"Well, I should RECKON! It started thirty year ago, or som'ers along there. There was trouble 'bout something, and then a lawsuit to settle it; and the suit went agin one of the men, and so he up and shot the man that won the suit which he would naturally do, of course. Anybody would." "What was the trouble about, Buck? land?" "I reckon maybe I don't know." "Well, who done the shooting?

He made de tasks bigger en de rashuns littler, en w'en de niggers had wukked all day, he 'd fin' sump'n fer 'em ter do roun' de ba'n er som'ers atter da'k, fer ter keep 'em busy a' hour er so befo' dey went ter sleep.

I run across him in the woods about an hour or two ago, and he said if I hollered he'd cut my livers out and told me to lay down and stay where I was; and I done it. Been there ever since; afeard to come out." "Well," he says, "you needn't be afeard no more, becuz they've got him. He run off f'm down South, som'ers." "It's a good job they got him."

"The Lizard's some quick, but Cherokee's too soon for him. With the first move of the Lizard's hand, he searches out a bowie from som'ers back of his neck. I'm some employed placin' myse'f at the time, an' don't decern it none till Cherokee brings it over his shoulder like a stream of white light. "It's shore great knife-work. Cherokee gives the Lizard aige an p'int, an' all in one motion.

"Well, I calc'late you'd a been laid out now with a knife-cut in yuh som'ers," Applehead stopped twisting his sunburnt mustache to say bluntly. "'S a dang lucky thing fer you, young man, 't you WASN'T on guard, 'n' the only thing't looks queer to me is that you wasn't potted las' night when yuh got out away from here.

She leaned on her hoe and looked up the cañon, where the blue of the distant mountains showed soft and smoky among the branches of the sycamores. "M'lissy!" Lysander called from the lower end of the row of orange-trees, "hain't the ditch broke som'ers, or the water got into a gopher-hole? There ain't no head to speak of." The girl turned quickly and looked about her.

"Oh, yes; I made some out of father's old ones," with a sigh at the beloved name. "Ye did, hey? Hope they fit som'ers near." She now critically examined the room once more; but as it was far neater than her own, she could not reasonably find any fault there, so started on a new tack. "How old's Morton?" "Twelve next summer." "Gittin' to be a big boy, ain't he?" "Yes, and such a good one!