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"It was for you as we done it, ma'am," Schlorge assured her, looking up into her tree with his shoe in his hand; and the poor Snimmy was so overcome by emotion that he was compelled to lie down at the foot of the Gugollaph-tree, with his debilitating nose on his little cold paws, and sniffle frankly. "But how will they get back the lovely grass and flowers?" asked Sara of Pirlaps, softly.

Isabelle laughed in spite of herself; "I can't I won't.... Why do I sniffle so like this? It's your fault, Vick; you always stir the pathetic note in me, you old fraud!" She was crying now in long sobs, the tears falling to his hand. "I know you because we are built the same foolish, idiotic way.

Witness, do you undertake, under the solemn sanction of an oath, to say that my son Josiah was engaged in the game? By the way, Mr. Sniffle, do you understand the nature of an oath?" "No, Squire," slowly replied the witness, "I dun know as I do." "Don't you know what will become of you, Ranze, if you swear to a lie?" quickly asked a juryman from a back seat.

I 've raised a family uv 'leven children, 'nd I know, as well as I know anythink, that that child is hungry. No child ever cries like that when it is n't hungry, so I insist on your nursin' it 'nd givin' us peace 'nd quiet." Then the young woman began to sniffle. "Law me, sir," sez the young woman, "I ain't the baby's mother I 'm only just tendin' it."

She tried to sniff contemptuously, but succeeded in producing only a sniffle. "Here, lemme see." And, fumbling in her satchel, she pressed a five-dollar piece into his hand. "I guess I forgot your last birthday, Mart," she mumbled lamely. Martin's hand instinctively closed on the piece of gold.

Everything will be serene once more. As for Gay's future I suppose he is likely to bring home anything from a mousetrap to a diamond tiara. I don't pretend to understand his ways." "Of course it isn't like Mrs. O'Valley's wedding," her mother resumed, with a resonant sniffle. "You have been so used to hearing about her ways that poor little Trudy seems cheap.

What a picture is the 'grateful girl! I have seen rows of white-capped charity children giving a bob and a sniffle as the parson went down the ranks promising buns. Well! his kindness! You are right in appreciating as much as you can see. I'll tell you why I like him; because he is a gentleman. And you haven't got an idea how rare that animal is. Dear me!

Right now, Mistuh Bristow?" "Yes; hurry. I want some orangeade." He returned to the bedroom and closed the door. Lucy was bent forward on the chair, moaning. "Stop that!" he said, feeling now that he had himself and her under control. "If you don't stop, you'll have something real to sniffle about before I'm through with you! Now begin. What about Perry last Monday night?"

Bingle, blowing his nose so fiercely that Georgie whimpered again, coming out of a doze. "I'll bet my head, dear, that Uncle Joe would sniffle as much as any of us. I wish er I do wish we'd asked him to come in. It would do him a world of good to shed a few tears." "He hasn't a tear in the whole hulk of him," said Mrs. Bingle, sorrowfully. "Poor old man," said Melissa, relenting a bit.

The marquis had marched from Head of Elk to the Bald Friars' ferry up the Susquehanna and inland among the hills to Baltimore, and we gave him a ball which, at his request, was turned into a clothing-party. He snuffed so much that he kept up a sniffle all the evening, like " Here Rhoda's sniffle was heard again. "Yes, that's a good imitation," said Grandmother Tilghman, "but I don't like it."