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Some of the slickest ponies you ever set eyes on. There's one roan there that I wouldn't mind owning. Maybe we can make a trade," and the speaker chuckled softly to himself. A snore louder than those that had preceded it, caused the two men to laugh heartily. The snore had come from Stacy Brown. Both he and Tad Butler were resting from their long journey on the Atlantic and Pacific train.

"There's only one 'Paul' around here who fits the bill, and he sure does to perfection." "Who is he?" asked Buck curiously. Hardenberg's eyes narrowed. "The slickest piece of goods in the State of Arizona, I'd say. He's been mixed up in more crooked deals than any man I ever ran up against; but he's so gol-darn cute nobody's ever been able to catch him with the goods."

"If Cora asks you if you think it will rain," interrupted Vilas, "doesn't she really seem to be asking: `Do you love me? How much? Suppose Mr. Corliss is an expert in the same line. Of course he can talk about oil!" "He strikes me," said Trumble, "as just about the slickest customer that ever hit this town. I like Richard Lindley, and I hope he'll see his fifty thousand dollars again.

But he, too, has his little blots in his early copy-books at school if you care to turn the pages." "No!" Stuart interrupted, incredulously. Bivens glanced about to make sure he could not be overheard and continued in low tones. "Yes, sir, he turned the slickest trick on Uncle Sam of all the bunch. He was a youngster and it was his first deal.

"What about the jock?" asked Faust. "No good can't be done. He's mooney on the gal." "Huh!" commented the Cherub. "Did you talk it over with the Boss? He's not a bad guy gettin' next a good thing." "He gave me the straight tip to give Redpath the go-by." "What's his little game? Is he going to hedge on the mare?" "No; he'll stand his bet flat-footed. Say, he's the slickest!

Peter's the slickest 'bad man' I've heerd tell of." "We'll see. Now what about the keg? Of course the cattle have crossed it. A secret path?" "Yup." "Who knows the secret of it?" "Peter." "Only?" The Breed hesitated. His furtive eyes shifted from one face to the other of his auditors. Then encountering the fixed stare of both men he glanced away towards the window.

Of course Johnny Strange pricks up his ears when he hears the name. We all heard about Pete Reeve, off and on, as about the slickest gunman that the ranges ever turned out. So he looks Pete over and wonders at finding such a little man." The proprietor drew himself up to his full height. "He didn't know that size don't make the man!

Do you theenk Teresa ees the foolish girl?" "Not a hanged bit of it!" chuckled Gallup. "She was the slickest little article I ever run up ag'inst. I guess yeou're right, Teresa. I guess yeou kinder waked me up when you flung them goo-goo eyes at Frank. Fust time in my life I ever felt that way, but, by ginger! I wanted to swat him on the jaw. Great Hubbard squashes, wasn't I in love then!"

"But what about that rich brown gravy?" queried the carpenter. "Smoky White can dish up the slickest dough-nuts you ever slapped your lip onto," informed the modest individual who stroked his chin. "We can have pertatoes and beans and slapjacks on the side," a hopeful miner reminded the company. "You bet. Don't you worry; we can trot out a regular banquet," Field assured them, optimistically.

"I went to jail when I was fourteen because I wanted a knife to make kite sticks, and I stole a razor from a barber. I was bitter when they steered me into a lockup in Hickory Street. It was full of bugs and crooks, and they put me in the same cell with an old-timer named 'Red' Waters; who was one of the slickest safe-blowers around in those days.