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I was a little skeert too; but NOW" she succeeded in buttoning the coat and making the colonel quite apoplectic, "NOW I ain't frightened one bit no, not one TINY bit! But," she added, after a pause, unbuttoning the coat again and smoothing down the lapels between her fingers, "you're to keep on frightening the old cats mind! Never mind about the GIRLS. I'll tell them."

In the lower counties indeed all the talk was of pardon and terms of submission. The white paper cockade which had been adopted in contradistinction to the hemlock as the badge of the government party, predominated in many of the towns through which Abner's party had passed. "That air proclamashin 's kinder skeert em more'n did us Berkshire folks." Abner explained to a crowd at the tavern.

He an the young cub be jess a gonter take a leetle walk with us fellers 'cross the border," replied Meschech jocularly. "What are you going to take them away for? What are you going to do to them?" cried Mrs. Edwards. "Oh, ye need'n be skeert," Meshech reassured her. "He'll hev good kumpny.

He borrowed pen, ink, and paper, and in the clean solitude of his fresh chintz bedroom, indited the following letter: DEAR MISS FONTONELLES, Please excuse me for having skeert you. I hadn't any call to do it, I never reckoned to do it it was all jest my derned luck; I only reckoned to tell you I was lost in them blamed woods don't you remember? "lost" PERDOO! and then you up and fainted!

To the eyes of the girls he appeared to be a huge animal, and his growls, as he swallowed choice morsels of venison, were far from reassuring. "Don't be skeert! It's only Henry," cried the forest woman. "Set down!" No one heeded her advice. Elfreda Briggs was standing on a chair, Anne Nesbit had run into the garden which she had reached by a short cut through an open window.

Passengers is easier managed in time of a storm than sailors, especially them of coast-ships. Passengers is like sheep: they're so skeert they'll do what you bids 'em; but the sailors broach the liquor first thing. I'd rather manage so many pigs than sailors when they get holt of the grog. There was the City of New York.

"Why, ever'body says you air a mighty onfeelin' woman, Mis' Gwyn. I can't believe you'd let me take your cape." "You will see, my girl. Come! Show me where to find water and a comb and " "Wait a minute," said Moll abruptly. "Somehow I ain't as skeert as I wuz. You're shore they won't hang me? 'Ca'se I'd hate to be hung, I'd hate to die that-away, Mister."

I'm going over thar to make it all right to free HIM of stealing to have YOU left out of it all and take it all on myself. Don't you be a bit feared for me. I ain't skeert of the wind or of going. I'll close reef everything, clear the creek, stretch across to Injen Island, hugg the Point, and bear up fer Logport.

"Yo' all gwine to know 'bout him mighty quick," said she solemnly. "He's on de rampage. Scalpin' an' burnin' white folks at de stake an' des wallerin' in blood. Yas, suh, Ah suttinly ain't gwine feel so skeert o' dat ole Black Hawk 'long as yo' is livin' right nex' do', Zachariah." "Wha' yo' all talkin' about?"

"D'know," said Oncle Jazon, resuming his habitual expression of droll dignity, "she shot apast me jes' as thet thing busted loose, an' she went like er hummin' bird, skitch! jes' thet way an' I didn't see 'r no more. 'Cause I was skeert mighty nigh inter seven fits; 'spect that 'splosion blowed her clean away! Ventrebleu! never was so plum outen breath an' dead crazy weak o' bein' afeard!"