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To skilfully handle one requires much care and practice. An inexperienced person is apt to get into trouble when he first attempts to use one. Sam was the first of the boys to attempt to display his skill, but he soon found that a heavily loaded dog-whip was a different weapon from an Irish shillalah.

Well, an Irishman, with his elbow through his coat, and his shirt, if he has one, playing diggy-diggy-doubt from his trowsers, flourishes his shillalah over his head, and brags of the "Imirald Isle," and the most splindid pisantry in the world; a Scotchman boasts, that next to the devil and the royal owner of Etna, he is the richest proprietor of sulphur that ever was heard of; while a Frenchman, whose vanity exceeds both, has the modesty to call the English a nation of shopkeepers, the Yankees, canaille, and all the rest of the world beasts.

"Whoo, by the powers!" shouted Shamus, at last thrown off his guard by the surpassing joy derived from this intelligence, as well as by the effects of the ale; and at the same time he jumped up, cutting a caper with his legs, and flourishing his shillalah. "Why, what's the matter with you?" asked his friend, glancing at him a frowning and misgiving look. "We ax pardon, sir."

Since we are having no, I mustn't say guests since John and Eileen have come home, I'll have to give up that plan until after dinner, and then we'll go and take counsel with our souls and see if we can figure out how we are going to solve this equation; and if you don t know what an equation is, old dear heart, it's me with a war-club and you with a shillalah and Eileen between us, and be 'damned' to us if we can't make an average, ordinary, decent human being out of her.

And as I sat there, half asleep, in Yolara's garden, the living spit of him stepped out from one of those bushes, twirling a little shillalah. "'It's a tight box ye're gettin' in, Larry avick, said he, 'but don't ye be downhearted, lad. "'I'm carrying on, said I, 'but you're a long way from Ireland, I said, or thought I did. "'Ye've a lot o' friends there, he answered.

A string of muttered oaths told them of Murphy's return. "Another mouthful o' sand! Darn their hides! If iver I get me hands on a bohunk in this wor-rld again " He spat noisily. "And all for a gun I don't know how to use. But it'll make a n'ise. Maybe it'll do to disthract their attintion till I get me shillalah swinging."

"Who was the guy, John, who first called women the weaker sex?" inquired Jim, in a faint and injured tone. "Some chump who probably died a sadder and a wiser man," replied his friend. "I only wish the gentle Annie back there had given him a tap with the shillalah," remarked Jim.

Thirty yards they had advanced on hands and knees, and Mahon was searching for a depression to lead off back of the shack, when Murphy whispered huskily: "Any chance up there, Sergeant, o' nading a gun? 'Cause I left mine back there. But, praise be, I got the shillalah," he added brightly. Mahon sighed. "You idiot! Lord" to Constable Williams "I'll be glad when I have him locked in. . . ."

Or they might lave set ye to running up and down between two rows of 'em, about eight or ten miles long, while aich stood with a big shillalah in his hand, and banged ye over the head with it as ye passed.

We formed no intimacy with the Texians; indeed, we had no contact whatever with them, except that one day Roche thrashed two of them with his shillalah for ill-treating an old Indian.