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"Mees Garden weel be hear in a meenute," the medieval face of Boris whispers into the Muscovite ears of Serge. Eleven-fifteen, and Miss Garden has arrived. She is armed, having brought along her heaviest shillalah. Mr. Prokofieff is on his feet. He takes off his coat. The medieval face of Mr. Anisfeld vanishes. Tap, tap, on the conductor's stand. Lights out. A fanfare from the orchestra's right.

We formed no intimacy with the Texans; indeed, we had no contact whatever with them, except that one day Roche thrashed two of them with his shillalah for ill-treating an old Indian.

If it's help ye nade, I guess we might be able to scrape up a shooter apiece. We lug 'em along for ballast, ye understand, in the absence o' fire-water. If it's a foighter ye're talking like, ivery devil of a mother's son of us can make a bang like a gun, with a bullet t'rowed in though for meself I prefer a shillalah. I'm going to be in this foight if I have to use a lead pencil. Ain't I Oirish?"

After hearing Lars tell his story for the fourth time, he gave him a ten-dollar note, saying: "You did nobly for a Swede, Mr. Gustavus Adolphus, but I would give ten tenners to have had your place and your shillalah, a Swede for a match-lock, but an Irishman for a stick." Jack had hardly recovered when he was waited on by a committee from the mine with a request that he would make another speech.

He was not without a sort of eloquence of his own. He spoke right to the point, and his words fell like the thud of a shillalah; or rang like the clash of steel. He dealt with the rough elements of politics in an exciting and turbulent period of California politics, and was more of a border chief than an Ivanhoe in his modes of warfare.

Very often they are not able to distinguish good from bad, kindness from wrong, love from hate. Ireland has all the freedom she can use or deserves, just as we all have. What would Ireland do with freedom if she had it? Hate for England keeps peace at home. Home rule would mean home rough-house and a most beautiful argument it would be, enforced with shillalah logic.

Do you mind that shtick big enough to sarve as a respictable shillalah at Donnybrook Fair? Well, my laddy, that has done duty as a lantern in this very place." "As a torch, you mean?" "Precisely; just heft it." As he tossed it into Fred's hand, the latter was astonished to note its weight. "What's the cause of that?" he inquired. "It's a piece of pine, and its chuck full of pitch.

It's the God's truth I'm telling ye when I say that I haven't had a scrimmage with me hands since I came here. The only idea this forsaken country has of exchanging compliments is with a knife in the dark." He shook his flaming head regretfully at the deplorably lost condition of a country where the shillalah was unknown as a social institution.

The music leaps into a gaudy balloon and sails away in marvelous zigzags, way over the heads of the hobgoblins on the stage and the music critics off the stage. Miss Garden beckons with her shillalah. Mr. Prokofieff arrives panting at her side. He bows, kisses the back of her hand and stands at attention. Also the medieval face of Mr. Anisfeld drifts gently through the gloom and joins the two.

Don't you know you're due at the gravel pit in less than two hours? That fill-in commences to-day no matter what's happened." But Murphy was already far up the grade, brandishing his shillalah and shouting at the top of his voice: "'Uggins! 'Uggins! I'm coming." Inspector Barker drummed on his desk. "Bert, of the 3-bar-Y, has turned up, Priest tells me."