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Yet if you think otherwise, find some wiser man to lead you, and wait the end. All the rods in Egypt cannot be broken on my back, O Abi. Now shall I speak who alone have knowledge, or will you seek another counsellor?" "Speak on," answered Abi sullenly, "we are fish in the same net, and share each other's fortune to the end, whether it be Set's gridiron or fat Egypt's pleasure pond.

"No," answered Merytra, "not mine, or the priest's, but yours, and that hog, Abi's; and Set's the master of both of you. But I shall get the blame of it, for the Queen and Asti know the truth, and soon or late it will come out, and they will burn me as a sorceress, sending me to the Underworld with the blood of Pharaoh upon my hands. Pharaoh who never did me aught but good.

And it's more so in New York than anywhere. The wrong set's like fly-paper: once you're in it you can pull and pull, but you'll never get out of it again." Undine's mother heaved another and more helpless sigh. "I wish YOU'D tell Undine that, Mrs. Heeny." "Oh, I guess Undine's all right. A girl like her can afford to wait.

She thought it would be fun to watch the sheep-dog rounding up his flock. To her, the blaze of the Set's smartness was but the flicker of a penny dip. We could drive the crowd on ahead, and look at our moon when they were out of its light.

"Donna talk to me about's marr'in'," said Lisbeth, crying afresh. "He's set's heart on that Hetty Sorrel, as 'ull niver save a penny, an' 'ull toss up her head at's old mother.

In the social set, therefore, opinions encounter the canons of Family Tradition, Respectability, Propriety, Dignity, Taste and Form, which make up the social set's picture of itself, a picture assiduously implanted in the children. In this picture a large space is tacitly given to an authorized version of what each set is called upon inwardly to accept as the social standing of the others.

One set's as green as the other, exclaimed a boarder, who has never been identified. They're all Bloomers, said the young fellow called John. Why, measuring it with my thirty-foot tape, my dear, said I. I have worn a tape almost out on the rough barks of our old New England elms and other big trees. Don't you want to hear me talk trees a little now? That is one of my specialties.

"What's the use o' a boat i' this weather?" said Curly. "Ye gomeril!" returned his father; ye never luik an inch afore the pint o' yer ain neb. Ye wadna think o' a boat afore the spring; an' haith! the summer wad be ower, an' the water frozen again, afore ye had it biggit. Luik at Alec there. He's worth ten o' you. "I ken that ilka bit as weel's ye do, father. Jist set's aff wi' 't, father."

Set's face foret, and say "quick mairch," an' he'll ca his bagonet throu auld Hornie. But lay nae consequences upo' him, for he cudna stan' unner them. Dr. Anderson laughed, but thought none the less, and went home to see how his patient was getting on. Meantime Ericson grew better. A space of hard, clear weather, in which everything sparkled with frost and sunshine, did him good.

An' to think as he might ha' Mary Burge, an' be took partners, an' be a big man wi' workmen under him, like Mester Burge Dolly's told me so o'er and o'er again if it warna as he's set's heart on that bit of a wench, as is o' no more use nor the gillyflower on the wall. An' he so wise at bookin' an' figurin', an' not to know no better nor that!"