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Several thousand persons, for the population of the Serail and its liberties was very considerable, were assembled in the grand court; eunuchs, women, pages, slaves, and servants, and a few soldiers; all in confusion and alarm, fire raging within, and mysterious and terrible outcries without.

Returning now to the narrative of the enactment, directly the strange porters moved out of the copse with their unsuspecting passenger, the Bulgarians slung the poles to their shoulders, and followed up the zigzag to the Y of the fourth terrace; there they turned, and retraced their steps to the promenade; whence, after reaching Point Serail, they doubled on their track, descended the wall, traversed the garden, and, passing the gate by which they came, paraded their empty burden around the Hippodrome and down a thronged street.

From the bench, the walk, besides being wide and smooth, extended, with a slight curvature northward to the Acropolis, now Point Serail, and on the south to the Port of Julian.

Iskander and Iduna then immediately quitted the Serail without notice or suspicion, and hurried to the khan, where they mounted their horses, that were in readiness, and hastened without a moment's loss of time to a fountain without the gates, where they awaited the arrival of Nicæus with anxiety.

'Sire, they have proclaimed thy death. 'Who? 'The council of the Elders. So I heard. Abidan, Zalmunna 'Rebels and dogs! Who else? 'The High Priest. 'Hah! Is it there? Pharez, fetch me some drink. Is it true Scherirah has joined them? 'His force surrounds the Serail. No aid can reach us without cutting through his ranks. 'Oh! that I were there with my good guard!

All the gods pay their homage at her beauteous shrine, And adore her as potent, resistless, divine! To her Paris, the shepherd, awarded the prize, Sought by Juno the regal, and Pallas the wise. Who rules o'er her lord in the Turkish <serail>, Reigns queen of his heart, and e'er basks in his smile? 'Tis she, who resplendent, shines loveliest of all, And beauty holds power in her magic thrall.

En vain la duchesse en rougit, Et la princesse en gronde, Chacun sait que Venus naquit De l'ecume de l'onde. En rit-elle moins tous les dieux. Lui rendre un juste hommage! Et Paris, le berger fameux, Lui donner l'avantage Meme sur la reine des cieux Et Minerve la sage? Dans le serail du grand seigneur. Quelle est la favorite? C'est la plus belle au gre de coeur Du maitre qui l'habite.

Who rules o'er her lord in the Turkish serail, Reigns queen of his heart, and e'er basks in his smile? 'Tis she, who resplendent, shines loveliest of all, And beauty holds power in her magic thrall. Then heed not the clamors that Grammont may raise, How natural her anger! how vain her dispraise! 'Tis not a mere mortal our monarch can charm, Free from pride is the beauty that bears off the palm.

He was received by Ithamar and the members of the deputation, but Honain was not there. Accompanied by his staff and a strong detachment of the Sacred Guard, Alroy was conducted through the principal thoroughfares of the city, until he arrived at the chief entrance of the serail, or palace, of the caliph.

In the head register the vocal cords come together at one end, sometimes at both ends, and only the upturned edges of the resulting small aperture vibrate, throwing the sensation of vibration up into the head. In every way Nature seems to indicate that there are three vocal registers. Fischer created the rôle of Osmin in Mozart's "Entführing aus dem Serail." D3-F4 Middle Register.