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How now, sir? 'What art thou? Ah! Abidan, trusty, stanch Abidan! You see, Abidan, I was thinking, my good Abidan, all this may be the frenzy of a revel. Tomorrow's dawn may summon cooler counsels. The tattle of the table, it is sacred. Let us forget it; let us pass it over. The Lord may turn his heart. Who knows, who knows, Abidan!

They think they are to do what they like. We are five to one, to be sure, but still there is nothing like peace and quiet. I wish Abdallah were here with his stout shoulders. Only think of his selling sherbet! The Square of the Grand Mosque, the same spot where Jabaster met Abidan by appointment, was the destined scene of the pretended trial of Alroy.

Ithamar must throw himself between the Sultan and Abidan, Medad fall back on Ithamar. Scherirah must guard the capital. Honain, you are Regent. And so farewell. I shall set off to-night. Courage, brave companions. 'Tis a storm, but many a cedar survives the thunderbolt. The council broke up. 'My own Scherirah! said the Caliph, as they retired, 'stay awhile. I would speak with you alone.

Why, sir, what think you, this same Abidan preached in the camp against my entry into what the quaint fanatic chooses to call "Babylon," because he had seen what he calls a vision. 'There was a time your Majesty thought not so ill of visions. 'Am I Abidan, sir? Are other men to mould their conduct or their thoughts by me?

It was the night after the visit of Abidan and the prophetess. Jabaster had agreed to meet Abidan in the square of the great mosque two hours after sunset, and thither he now repaired. 'I am somewhat before my time, he said, as he entered the great square, over which the rising moon threw a full flood of light. A few dark shadows of human beings alone moved in the distance.

Sooth to say, you touched upon a string I've played before, but kept it for my loneliness; a jarring tune, indeed a jarring tune, but so it is, and being so, let me at once unto your friends, Abi-dan. 'Noble Jabaster, thou art what I deemed thee. 'Abidan, they say the consciousness of doing justly is the best basis of a happy mind. 'Even so. 'And thou believest it? 'Without doubt.

The fortifications of the Serail resisted all the efforts of the rebels. Scherirah remained in his quarters, with his troops under arms, and recalled the small force that he had originally sent out as much to watch the course of events as to assist Abidan.

The chieftains retired, the high priest lingered. 'Were it not an intrusion, sire, I would fain entreat a moment's audience. 'My own Jabaster, you have but to speak. 'Sire, I would speak of Abidan, as valiant a warrior as any in the host. It grieves me much, that by some fatality, his services seem ever overlooked. 'Abidan! I know him well, a valiant man, but a dreamer, a dreamer.

'Sire, they have proclaimed thy death. 'Who? 'The council of the Elders. So I heard. Abidan, Zalmunna 'Rebels and dogs! Who else? 'The High Priest. 'Hah! Is it there? Pharez, fetch me some drink. Is it true Scherirah has joined them? 'His force surrounds the Serail. No aid can reach us without cutting through his ranks. 'Oh! that I were there with my good guard!

Why must Abidan, a common cut-throat, save his graceless life, and this great soul, this stern and mighty being Ah me! I have lived long enough. Would they had not failed, would 'Stop, stop, Alroy! I pray thee, love, be calm. I came to soothe thee, not to raise thy passions.