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And do you, Santierra, advise us to surrender to that rastrero? "'No! I shouted. 'But he wants his wife and child, and he can cut you off from water. "'Then she would be the first to suffer. You may tell him that. Look here this is all nonsense: we shall dash out and capture you. "'You shall not catch me alive, I said firmly. "'Imbecile!

And the worst of it, that the general whom we expected never came to the castle that day." The guests of General Santierra unanimously expressed their regret that the man of such strength and patience had not been saved. "He was not saved by my interference," said the General. "The prisoners were led to execution half an hour before sunset.

The names of a few leaders alone survive the end of armed strife and are further preserved in history; so that, vanishing from men's active memories, they still exist in books. The name of General Santierra attained that cold paper-and-ink immortality.

"Then go at once and get the key from the adjutant," said Lieutenant Santierra. The sergeant shook his head with a sort of bashful smile, while his eyes glanced sideways at Gaspar Ruiz's face, motionless and silent, staring through the bars at the bottom of a heap of other haggard, distorted, yelling faces.

Fifty years later, General Santierra, the venerable relic of revolutionary times, was well able to remember the feelings of the young lieutenant. Since he had given up riding altogether, and found it difficult to walk beyond the limits of his garden, the general's greatest delight was to entertain in his house the officers of the foreign men-of-war visiting the harbour.

Anthony, what these Americans are! Listen. For what YOU shall do, I do not inquire. The question is to me what I" he emphasized the pronoun by tapping himself on the breast "I, Jose Santierra, will do. Well, I shall tell you. To-day, nothing. To-morrow, nothing. For a week, for a month, nothing! After, we shall see." Poindexter paused thoughtfully.

"Next moment we were round the turn and on a broad and grassy slope. And then I yelled. My men came running back to me in great alarm. It seems that at first I did nothing but shout, 'She has given the child into my hands! She has given the child into my hands! The escort thought I had gone mad." General Santierra ceased and got up from the table.

The General was rushing round the room, to find the door perhaps. He made a noise as though he were trying to climb the walls, and I heard him distinctly invoke the names of several saints. 'Out, out, Santierra! he yelled. "The girl's voice was the only one I did not hear. "'General, I cried, I cannot move the door. We must be locked in.

Her embrace, senores, must have been as cold as the embrace of a statue. He tried to melt her icy heart in a stream of warm blood. Some English naval officers who visited him at that time noticed the strange character of his infatuation." At the movement of surprise and curiosity in his audience General Santierra paused for a moment. "Yes English naval officers," he repeated.

Lieutenant Santierra glared with indignation, but hesitated. His handsome oval face, as smooth as a girl's, flushed with the shame of his perplexity. Its nature humiliated his spirit. His hairless upper lip trembled; he seemed on the point of either bursting into a fit of rage or into tears of dismay.