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"Then mebbe you kin explain too," broke in Patterson with gloomy significance, "why he has bought up most of Spencer's debts himself, and perhaps you're satisfied it ISN'T to hold the whip hand of him and keep him from coming back openly. Pr'aps you know why he's movin' heaven and earth to make Don Jose Santierra sell the ranch, and why the Don don't see it all." "Don Jose sell Los Cuervos!

She looked up suddenly, and said, "How long had he known her?" But before he could reply there was a step in the doorway, and the figure of Don Jose Santierra emerged from the archway.

It is a mercy there was no ceiling. Holding on to the latch of the door, I heard the grinding of the roof-tiles cease above my head. The shock was over. "'Out of the house! The door! Fly, Santierra, fly! howled the General. You know, senores, in our country the bravest are not ashamed of the fear an earthquake strikes into all the senses of man. One never gets used to it.

Beyond her he saw another head with long grey hair, and a thin old face with a pair of anxiously clasped hands under the chin. "I knew those people by sight," General Santierra would tell his guests at the dining-table. "I mean the people with whom Gaspar Ruiz found shelter. The father was an old Spaniard, a man of property ruined by the revolution.

"Then go at once and get the key from the adjutant," said Lieutenant Santierra. The sergeant shook his head with a sort of bashful smile, while his eyes glanced sideways at Gaspar Ruiz's face, motionless and silent, staring through the bars at the bottom of a heap of other haggard, distorted, yelling faces.

It means that he gave Los Cuervos to his mistress a year ago, and that she sold it to me to me, you hear! ME, Jose Santierra, the day before she left! It means that the coyote of a Spencer, the thief, who bought these lands of a thief, and gave them to a thief, has tricked you all.

A small tin cup was found, but its approach to the opening caused such a commotion, such yells of rage and' pain in the vague mass of limbs behind the straining faces at the window, that Lieutenant Santierra cried out hurriedly, "No, no you must open the door, sergeant." The sergeant, shrugging his shoulders, explained that he had no right to open the door even if he had had the key.

After a time a woman's voice within asked who was there. My chief nudged me hard. I gasped. " It is I, Lieutenant Santierra, I stammered out, as if choked. 'Open the door. "It came open slowly. The girl, holding a thin taper in her hand, seeing another man with me, began to back away before us slowly, shading the light with her hand. Her impassive white face looked ghostly.