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"Se tu eusses demande quel'en on faisoit, que li rois ton aiol fust gariz de l'enfermetez qu'il a, et fust revenu en sa juvente." When the question has been asked: "Le rois pescheor estoit gariz et tot muez de sa nature." "Li rois peschiere estoit mues de se nature et estoit garis de se maladie, et estoit sains comme pissons."

The Brigade relief was already in progress when, at 10-0 a.m., November 9th, it was cancelled, and instead we were ordered to push forward at once and establish a new outpost line East of Sains du Nord a small town through which the Cavalry had passed in the morning.

Fortunately the limbers could come as far as Battalion Headquarters, and cans had to be carried forward from there only; even this took many men, and our numbers were by no means large. At the end of this tour, the Brigade went into Divisional reserve, and we, relieved by the Sherwood Foresters, went back to Fosse 10, near Petit Sains.

When she was, Miladi S was very particular, and I, of consequence and of course, in de choice of her books; but now, oder affaire, she is at liberty, and my maxim is Tout est sain aux sains." Mr. Mountague's indignation was now strongly raised against this odious governess, and he looked upon her pupil with an eye of compassion.

The Company was delighted, and with one accord hailed their Commander with cries of "Now's your chance, Sir." No other enemy were seen, and we marched straight into Sains by the Railway station, to receive a welcome from the civilians which rivalled even Fresnoy in cordiality.

Mastering the situation he runs off to the smith's house, and sains the new mother and her babe. And he is only just in time, for hardly has he finished than a great thud is heard outside. On going out a piece of bog-fir is found, the image the fairies intended to substitute for the smith's wife.

The arena for his exhibition might, but for the known liberality of society, be thought objectionable being none other than the English place of worship. But tout est sain aux sains or aux saints, if you please. Charity covereth many sins; and if there be a place upon earth where charity reigns, it is at what you call watering-places.

"Ah! that's good, that's good." ... He made them repeat the news to him. He was dying, but his division was victorious. Near Frise, Lieutenant Sains, who had been obliged to land on July 1, 1916, was rescued by the French army on July 4, after having hidden himself for three days in a shell-hole to avoid surrendering, his pilot, Quartermaster de Kyspotter, having been killed.

Late that night came the telegram ending hostilities, and the chance was gone for ever. 11th Nov., 1918. 28th June, 1919. For the first few days after the signing of the Armistice we remained in Sains, the outpost line was maintained, roads to the East were reconnoitred, and everything was made ready for a resumption of hostilities.

Mackarel is five dollars a barrel, sains thirty say yes or no, that's the word." "How can you have the conscience?" said he. "I never talk of conscience in trade," sais I; "only of prices. Bargain or no bargain, that's the ticket." "I can't," he said. "Well, then, there is an end of it," says I. "Good bye, friend Judd." Sais he: "You have a mighty short way with you, my friend."