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"That's me specially about their bein' Y Circle X fellers, eh?" He chuckled and made ahead as fast as his long legs could carry him. Haines dropped back beside Kate. "Everything goes finely," he assured her. "I told Rhinehart what to do. He's gone ahead to the camp. Now all you have to do is to keep your head.

Rhinehart, and ascended to a tiny room on the fourth floor, in which were a cot and a washstand, a cracked mirror, one chair, and one window. Mrs. Rhinehart had planned that the waitress should room with the cook, but the girl had insisted that she must have a room alone, no matter how small, and they had compromised on this unused, ill-furnished spot.

Well, you have chosen well, for there is almost nothing about clocks that he doesn't know," asserted Mr. Rhinehart with enthusiasm. "I had no idea there was so much to know about them," confided the boy. "All I ever thought about a clock was to look and see whether it was right or not, and blame it if it wasn't. Now I've begun to believe it is pretty wonderful when it is."

Have you a glass there?" "Mr. Rhinehart isn't going to commit himself without a microscope," chuckled the inspector. "He is dead right too." "I wish to verify the stones as well as the setting," replied the expert. "I guess in this case your stones are genuine enough. Stuart hadn't much chance to tamper with them. Nevertheless, it can do no harm to make sure," Corrigan said. Opening a drawer Mr.

Even Sister Frances looked tall and helpful as she trudged by with her little loads. The combination of tent and hut was designed for my father and family and Mrs. Wolfinger. The teamsters, Samuel Shoemaker, Joseph Rhinehart, James Smith, and John Baptiste, built their hut in Indian wigwam fashion. Before we two could leave our perch, the snow was falling faster and in larger flakes.

I came to America and found an hotel fitted and upholstered throughout for the enactment of my phantasmal fraud. I offer the skeleton of my story with all humility to some of the admirable lady writers of detective stories in America, to Miss Carolyn Wells, or Miss Mary Roberts Rhinehart, or Mrs. A. K. Green of the unforgotten Leavenworth Case.

"Look here, Jim," said Hal Purvis, "are you a king an' we jest your slaves, maybe?" "You're goin' it a pile too hard," said Shorty Rhinehart. Every one of these speeches came sharply out while they glared at Jim Silent. Hands were beginning to fall to the hip and fingers were curving stiffly as if for the draw. Silent leaned his broad shoulders against the side of his roan and folded his arms.

"Come, come, Hollings," interrupted a newcomer, whom the group greeted as Mr. Rhinehart. "There's no good crying over spilled milk. We may get the ring back again, you know." "Oh, do you think so?" "There is a good chance of it. I have telephoned and headquarters has its nets set already. The pawnshops are watched and so are the roads out of the city. The police, too, have their orders.

Nevertheless, as the weary days succeeded each other into weeks, she found that while her skill in table-setting and waiting was much prized, it was more than offset by her discrepancies in other lines, and so it came about that with mutual consent she and Mrs. Rhinehart parted company.

Silent beckoned to him and he went to the chief. "What about the girl?" asked the big fellow curtly. "Didn't Rhinehart tell you?" "Rhinehart's a fool and so are the rest of them. Have you gone loco too, Haines, to let a girl come here?" "Where's the harm?" "Why, damn it, she's marked every man here." "I let her in because she is trying to get hold of Whistling Dan."