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"No, you can't," said Harry, smilingly and a little teasingly. Catching at her ankle and flinging her curls, she made an unstaggering and easy ascent of not four, but eight. "There!" she cried, slapping Harry boldly and resoundingly on the cheek. "Don't you ever dare say I cannot do what I know I can do."

I hesitated, then, plucking up my courage and putting all silly questions behind me, I rapped resoundingly on the door. The excellent Hawkes opened it! I started back in dismay. He stood aside impressively. "Mr. Smart!" he announced. Damn it all! I caught sight of the Countess. She was arranging some flowers on the table. Blatchford was placing the knives and forks.

He drew his revolver as he ran, and swung his stick from its leathern handle thong resoundingly on the sidewalk as he raced toward the direction of the scuffle. A short figure darted out from a doorway as he approached the corner and deftly stuck a foot forward, tripping the policeman. "Beat it, fellers!" called this adept, whose voice Burke recognized as that of Jimmie the Monk.

A few minutes later, Charlie knocked resoundingly on Courtney's door. "Who is it?" "It's me, Charlie Webster. Got a nice surprise for you." "Come in." And in strode Charlie, followed by the tall stranger and the lank Mr. Hatch. Courtney, full dressed, except that he wore instead of his coat a thick blue bath gown, was sitting at a table in front of the small wood-fire stove, playing solitaire.

There was the sound beside him as of an emotional snuffle, and John Jervase blew his nose resoundingly, so that Polson knew that his father was there before the old man bent his head above him. He was too weak to be surprised at anything, and had no earthly notion as to his own whereabouts. 'Why, you've come round again, Polly, said his father. 'You know me, don't you?

Brunow sat immediately on his right, and the back of the orator's hand caught him resoundingly upon the cheek; and at this unexpected incident the audience broke into a sudden shout of laughter, in which Brunow tried to join with a curiously ill success, I thought.

The first two or three of them came addressed to Giles, but all the subsequent ones were sent direct to Medora. These publications invariably praised Abner's presence for he always towered magnificently on the lecture-platform, and his delivery for he read resoundingly with a great deal of clearness and precision.

And the bridge is another point: Bessy never used to play for money." "Well, she may make something, and offset her husband's prodigalities." "There again with this train de vie, how on earth are both ends to meet?" Mr. Langhope grown suddenly grave, struck his cane resoundingly on the terrace. "Westmore and Lynbrook? I don't want them to I want them to get farther and farther apart!"

"It would be idle," he said, and there he brought his elbows resoundingly to his ribs, "to suppose" and there the elbows came down energetically again "that at such a crisis" and here was another repetition of the grotesque gesture "Her Majesty's Ministers" more rib and elbow work "would endeavour," and so on and so on, in what seemed to one listener at least to be the merest insincerity.

He slapped the desk resoundingly with his open palm, and then, observing that Bibbs remained in the same impassive attitude, with his eyes still fixed upon the ceiling in a contemplation somewhat plaintive, Sheridan was impelled to groan. "Oh, Lord!" he said. "This is the way you always were. I don't believe you understood a darn word I been sayin'! You don't LOOK as if you did.